1. To you come tidings of good news glittering,
Bearing prospects of guidance waving,
١. إلَيْكَ تَباشير البشائِرِ مُقْبِلَهْ
تَلوحُ بآفاقِ الهُدَى مُتهَلِّلَهْ
2. And from you true talks of gifts,
Becoming trusts in people circulated.
٢. وعنْك أحاديثُ الهِباتِ صحيحةٌ
عَلَيْكَ غَدَتْ وَقْفاً وفي النّاسِ مُرْسَلَهْ
3. So your face to the shining sun is outshining,
And your palm to the pouring rain is withholding,
٣. فوجْهُك للشمْسِ المنيرةِ مُخجِلٌ
وكفُّكَ للغيْثِ الهَتون مُبخِّلَهْ
4. And your steed in its meadows is a sign for you
Legitimizing the possessions of enemies and unharnessing.
٤. وخَيْلُك في أعْرافها لك آيةٌ
مُسوّغةٌ مالَ العِدَى ومُنَفِّلَهْ
5. So congratulations for what you have been facing, O king of guidance,
Of honor that didn’t stop facing you.
٥. فهُنِّئتَ ما استَقْبلْتَ يا مَلِكَ الهدى
من العِزّ لا زالتْ سُعودُكَ مُقْبِلَهْ
6. God has appointed you as leader for His servants in justice,
A leader of guidance whom the rule was ennobled by his name,
٦. لقد قَلّد الرحْمنُ أمْرَ عبادِه
إماماً لهُ في العدْلِ أرْفعُ مَنْزِلَهْ
7. As the Yemeni sword was ennobled by its scabbard.
You have become similar in forbearance, determination and bounty,
٧. إمامُ هُدىً قد شُرِّف الملكُ باسْمِه
كما شرَّفَ السيفُ اليَمانيُّ مِحْمَلَهْ
8. Supported, victorious and reliant.
Do the angels take example except from Joseph?
٨. غَدا مُشْبهاً في الحِلمِ والعزْمِ والنّدى
مؤيَّدَهُ مَنصورَهُ مُتوكِّلَهْ
9. For they knew his suppression and his trials.
Do the heroes submit except to Joseph?
٩. وهَل تقتدي الأملاك إلا بيُوسفٍ
فقدْ عَلِموا إخْباتَهُ وتبتُّلَهْ
10. When on the day of commotion he unsheathed his sword.
It is as if I see God’s horses with their neighing,
١٠. وهل تخضَعُ الأبطال إلا لِيوسُفٍ
إذا هو يومَ الرّوعِ جرّد مُنصُلَهْ
11. To open the lands of blasphemy baring their teeth.
And its Indian with correct rumors that its zeal,
١١. كأنّي بخيْل اللهِ وهوَ يُجيلها
لفتح بلادِ الكُفْرِ غرّاً محجّلَهْ
12. Turned away the zeal of enemies and unraveled it.
And its black engraved by awe struck with it,
١٢. وهِندِيُّهُ قد صحّ أنّ هُيامَهُ
بِهامِ العِدَى أنحى عليها وأنْحلَهْ
13. Swaying in the grip of the warrior so he released it.
It settled its sword in the necks of enemies,
١٣. وأسْمَرُهُ الخطّيُّ من طرَبٍ بِها
ترنّحَ في كفّ الكَميِّ فأرْسَلَهْ
14. By God, how just it deemed them and how it equalized!
The angels of the seven heavens guard him,
١٤. أقامَ صَغاهُ في نحور عُداته
فللهِ ما أعْداهُ حُكماً وأعْدَلَهْ
15. When he sets forth and victory comes forward its regiments.
And how many pursuers of glory seek his door,
١٥. ملائكَةُ السّبعِ الطِّباقِ تَحُفُّهُ
إذا ما غَدا والنّصْر يَقْدُمُ جَحْفَلَهْ
16. So he lets them attain it with the bounty of his hands.
He is the king, the patron, the zealous one who has
١٦. وكمْ واردٍ يَبْغي النّدى أمَّ بابَهُ
فأورَدَهُ جَدوى يَديهِ وأنْهَلَهْ
17. Generosities that the clouds pour forth their rain.
And a judicious view, if his era lasts long,
١٧. هو الملِكُ الموْلى الهمامُ الذي لهُ
مَكارمُ تُزْري بالغمائم مُسْبَلَهْ
18. The judicious will exemplify it and inspire from it.
Of the honorable men whose faces,
١٨. ورأيٌ رشيدٌ لوْ تقادمَ عهْدُهُ
لأمّلَهُ فيه الرّشيدُ وأمّ لَهْ
19. Due to their glow, enhance the full moons.
To you belongs the glory in kingdoms, its narrative quenched,
١٩. من النفَرِ الغرّ الذين وُجوهُهُمْ
لإشراقِها تعْنو البُدورُ مُكَمَّلَهْ
20. And Qais bin Sa`d in old times exemplified it.
As for your forefathers, the supporters, their mention came to us
٢٠. لك المجْدُ في الأمْلاكِ يُرْوى حَديثُه
وقَيْسُ بنُ سعْدٍ في القديم تأثّلَهْ
21. With verses in the Perfect Scripture revealed.
They elucidated the path of guidance for mankind,
٢١. فآباؤك الأنصارُ جاءت بذكْرِهمْ
لنا سُوَرٌ في مُحْكَمِ الذكر مُنزَلَهْ
22. And they supported the religion of God and His Messenger.
The sharpened sword hastened towards it so it frightened him,
٢٢. هُمُ أوْضحوا نَهْجَ الهِدايةِ للوَرى
وهمْ نصرُوا دينَ الإلهِ ومُرسَلَهْ
23. And the long spear bared itself for it so it straightened it.
With what will the eloquent praise while the verses of Scripture have come
٢٣. سَعى نحْوَهُ السيفُ الصقيلُ فراعَهُ
وجَدّ لهُ الرمحُ الطويل فجدّلَهْ
24. Detailing that fully?
My patron, no poet can describe you,
٢٤. بماذا عَسَى يُثْني البَليغُ وقدْ أتَتْ
بذلك آياتُ الكِتابِ مُفَصَّلَهْ
25. Even if a measure in it he Sally worked.
But with praises I come, for they are
٢٥. أموْلايَ لا يأتي بوَصفك شاعرٌ
ولوْ أنّ قُسّاً فيه أعْمل مِقْوَلَهْ
26. With purposes of whoever comes with them obliged.
So your slave presents them to you causes,
٢٦. ولكنّ بالأمْداحِ آتي فإنّها
بأغراضِ من يأتي بها مُتكفّلَهْ
27. God refused they be found with your generosity neglected.
Make them less, bestow them, fulfill what you have promised him long ago,
٢٧. فعبْدُكَ يُهْديها إليك وسائِلاً
أبى اللهُ أنْ تُلفَى بجودك مُهْمَلَهْ
28. And convey him that which from you he hopes for.
Your Qataar is a cloud and the system a verdant garden,
٢٨. أقِلْهُ أنِلْهُ وفِّ ما قدْ وعَدتَهُ
قديماً وبلّغْهُ الذي منكَ أمّلَهْ
29. In it its vessels have become dripping.
Is it anything but the meadow whose beauty is blossoming
٢٩. نَداكَ غَمامٌ والنّظامُ حديقةٌ
بهِ قدْ غدتْ أدْواحُها مُتهدِّلَهْ
30. So it deposited in it his youthfulness and his plumpness?
So it takes from the hefty system necklaces
٣٠. وهل هُوَ إلا الروضُ باكرهُ الحَيا
فأوْدَعَ ريّاهُ صَباهُ وشَمْألَهْ
31. And gives generous wealth without being asked.
So it is the supporter of the religion of Hanif, and its shelter
٣١. فتأخُذُ من جَزْل النّظام قلائِداً
وتعطي جَزيلَ المالِ من غيْر مسألَهْ
32. In afflictions, and its sanctuary and refuge.
٣٢. فدُمْ ناصِرَ الدّين الحنيفِ وكهْفَهُ
ومَلجأهُ في الحادثاتِ وموئِلَهْ