
Buds at the horizon of the kingdom, radiant is their rise,

بدور بأفق الملك راق طلوعها

1. Buds at the horizon of the kingdom, radiant is their rise,
An encounter that has shone, and joyful are its breezes.

١. بُدورٌ بأفْق المُلْكِ راقَ طُلوعُها
فمالَقَةٌ قد أشرَقَتْ ورُبوعُها

2. Whenever flowers smile in it, they do not cease,
For that reason, the clouds of the horizon secretly shed their tears.

٢. إذا ابْتَسَمتْ فيها الأزاهِرُ لم تَزَلْ
لذلكَ سحْبُ الأفْقِ تَهْمي دُموعُها

3. Caravans descend in its great valley,
Where its roses and meadows are delightful.

٣. تحُلُّ بِوادِيها الكبيرِ وفودُها
فيعْذُبُ فيه وردُها وشُروعُها

4. And how many caravans have stopped by it, covenanting,
That hopes would be humble at dawn before its loftiness.

٤. وكمْ حَلَّتِ الركْبانُ منها مَعاهِداً
لتُصْبِحَ والآمالُ دانٍ شسوعُها

5. Grant its suitor success, and aid his purpose,
And safeguard it from the harm of a weeping time.

٥. فبُلّغَ راجِيها وأُسْعِفَ قصْدُهُ
وأُمِّنَ من رَيْبِ الزّمانِ جَزوعُها

6. And since it has appointed Yusuf as caretaker,
Are the events of fate feared to befall it?

٦. ومُذْ أمّلتْ مَوْلَى الخلائِف يوسُفاً
فهَلْ حادِثاتُ الدهْرِ يُخْشى وقوعُها

7. Its delegations have arrived at the auspicious throne,
And its crowds have wandered upon those sands.

٧. ووافَت إلى المَيْزِ السّعيدِ وُفودُها
فراقَتْ على تلك البِطاحِ جموعُها

8. The supporter of God's religion appears, his face
Like the rising sun, gladdening the eyes with its emergence.

٨. وناصِرُ دين الله يطْلعُ وجْهُهُ
كشَمْسِ الضحى يُعْشي العيونَ طُلوعُها

9. Can any concealer conceal the shining sun,
When its lights pervade the horizons?

٩. وهلْ يكْتُمُ الشمْسَ المنيرةَ كاتِمٌ
وأنوارُها في الخافِقَيْن تُشيعُها

10. With the supporter of God's religion mighty is its prestige,
Who of the angels obeys it or is obedient to it?

١٠. بناصِر دين اللهِ عزّ جنابُها
فمَن طائِعُ الأمْلاكِ أو من مُطيعُها

11. You have spilled the blood of the grapes in God, manifesting
Acts of righteousness that spread through existence.

١١. أسَلْتَ دَمَ العُنْقودِ في اللهِ مُظهِراً
لأفعالِ برٍّ في الوجودِ تذيعُها

12. For that reason, abundant rain has poured from it
In it the bloom of blooms, its spring made it magnificent.

١٢. لذلكَ جادَ الغيْثُ منها أباطحاً
بها زهرُ أزهارٍ جَلاهَا ربيعُها

13. Yours is the judgment in whatever you desire, none can oppose,
Since the earth in both your hands is entirely gathered.

١٣. لك الحُكْمُ فيما شِئْتَ غيْرُ مُدافَعٍ
إذِ الأرضُ في كِلْتا يديْك جَميعُها

14. And you achieve whatever you want, your good fortune against the enemies,
While those disobedient to it have strayed and those obedient have succeeded.

١٤. وتأتي بما تبْغي سُعودُكَ في العِدَى
وقد ضلّ عاصيها وفازَ مُطيعُها

15. The tracks of steeds leave a warrior
Whose prostration in the fray reveals his submission.

١٥. وتَتْرُكُ آثارُ الجيادِ مَحارباً
لها في الوَغَى يُبْدي السُّجودَ صَريعُها

16. With swords that are unsheathed, a river in a garden
That satisfies its banks with delicate roses.

١٦. بحيْثُ الحُسامُ الصّلْتُ نهْرُ حديقةٍ
يَروقُ على شطّيْهِ ورْداً نَجيعُها

17. The enemies of the religion attempt to flee it
But where can they deviate from its blows?

١٧. ترومُ عُداةُ الدّين عنهُ فرارَها
وأيْن لها عن مضْربيْهِ نُزوعُها

18. And of the Clan of Victory, when they attend the battle,
Their champions there manifest humbleness.

١٨. ومن كَبني نصْرٍ إذا شهِدوا الوَغَى
لدَيْهِم من الأبطالِ يبدو خُضوعُها

19. And how many a group among them, by destroying the enemies
And showing sympathy to the contrite and woeful!

١٩. فكمْ فئةٍ منهُمْ بإفْنائها العِدَى
وبذْلِ النّدى للمعْتَفينَ وَلُوعُها

20. In the Abode of the Helpers, its roots prospered,
And it is no surprise that its branches have narrated it.

٢٠. وفي دوْحَةِ الأنْصارِ طابَتْ أصولُها
وليسَ عجيباً أن حَكتْها فُروعُها

21. As if in the lands of the infidels entirely,
For the King of Kings, their return is to it.

٢١. كأنْ ببلاد الكافرينَ بأسْرِها
لمِلك مليك العُدْوتيْن رُجوعُها

22. And how many swimmer nurtures over every smooth terrain,
When the beasts of waste appear, frightened by it.

٢٢. وكمْ سابِحٍ يُرْبي عَلَى كلّ سانحٍ
إذا ما ظِباءُ القَفْرِ يبدُو مَروعُها

23. They incline toward the heroes as if
Within them are hearts its ribs have embedded.

٢٣. فتحْنو على الأبطالِ حتّى كأنهُمْ
لديْهِ قلوبٌ ضُمّنتْها ضُلوعُها

24. Your praises are flowers, and if delighted,
The ideas of my thoughts promulgate them.

٢٤. مدائِحُكَ الأزهارُ طِيباً فإن سرَتْ
نَواسِمُ أفكارِي عليْها تُذيعُها

25. And here they are, already disseminated before you,
My Lord of Kings, far be it from you to waste them!

٢٥. وها هِيَ قد ذاعَتْ لديْك وسائِلاً
وحاشاكَ يا مَوْلَى المُلوكِ تُضيعُها

26. I ignite the competition of rhetoric, its torches,
To roam in descriptions from you the most eloquent.

٢٦. أُجيلُ بمَيْدان البَيانِ قِداحَها
فيَلتاحُ في الأوْصافِ منْك بديعُها

27. And who am I to describe even some of it? Though it
Would fall short if the most eloquent came to it.

٢٧. ومن لي بوَصْفِ البعْضِ منها وإنها
ليَقْصُرُ عنها لوْ أتاها بَديعُها

28. My Lord, let the generous deeds be dewy,
Refreshing, and for the events of time alarming.

٢٨. أمَوْلايَ دُم للمَكْرُماتِ تُنيلُها
ندَىً ولأحداثِ الزمانِ تَروعُها

29. And your generous gifts, all who
Face grievances, you are their hearing.

٢٩. ومَمْلوكُ نُعماكَ الكريمةِ كُلّما
تعرَّضَ للشكْوَى فأنتَ سَميعُها

30. Your servants, my Lord, the likes of me in truth,
By your might, far be it for their humility to be sought!

٣٠. عبيدُكَ يا مَولايَ مِثلي حَقيقةً
بعزّك حاشَى أنْ يُرامَ خُضوعُها