
Slow down, for when the arrows of the eyes missed their mark

مهلا فإن سهام العين حين رمت

1. Slow down, for when the arrows of the eyes missed their mark
And did not strike the transgressor, he obtained nothing from them but sobriety

١. مهْلاً فإن سِهامَ العيْنِ حينَ رمَتْ
ولمْ تُصِبْ نالَ منها المُعْتَدي وَصَبا

2. How far is the saying of the liar whose mouth
Utters what affirms for us a cause of consent

٢. بُعْداً لقائِلِ زُورٍ فاهَ مِقْوَلُهُ
بما يؤكّدُ منّا للرّضَى سَبَبا

3. He came to hide consent from us, so he revealed from
The secret of will what had been concealed

٣. أتى ليُخْفي الرِّضى منّا فأظْهَرَ منْ
سِرّ الإرادةِ ما قدْ كانَ مُحْتَجِبا

4. He threw words, but I do not hear them
Except for the memories that my heart was small and sober towards

٤. ألقَى أحاديثَ لكن لسْتُ أسمَعُها
إلا لذِكْرى لها قَلبي صَغا وصَبا

5. He wanted separation where betrayal was his trait
He still had the intention of betrayal and did not refrain

٥. رامَ القَطيعةَ حيثُ البغْيُ شيمَتُهُ
لازالَ من بغْيِهِ قصْداً ولا أرَبا

6. How could he when patience from me is a sign that emerged
With the appearance of justice that shows from it what was hidden

٦. وكيفَ والحِلْمُ منّي آيةٌ طلعَتْ
بمظْهَرِ العدْلِ تُبْدي منهُ ما احْتَجَبا

7. And how when merit from me is a noble trait
That protects whoever remains faithful to the truth

٧. وكيفَ والفضلُ منّي شيمةٌ شرُفَتْ
تُجيرُ مَنْ لمْ يزَل للصّدْقِ مُنتَسِبا

8. We have the loyalty that our virtues refuse
To take back from favors what it granted

٨. لنا الوفاءُ الذي تأبَى مكارِمُنا
أن تسْترِدّ منَ الأفضالِ ما وهَبا

9. And every matter, when its timings become clear
Patience therein resolves its wonders with ease

٩. وكُلُّ أمْرٍ إذا جلّتْ مواقِعُهُ
فالصّبْرُ باليُسْرِ تقْضي عندهُ عجَبا

10. And every kingdom, if it redeems our caliphate
That the right which is due would not decree for it

١٠. وكُلّ مَلْكِ إذا فَدّى خِلافَتَنا
ما كان يقضي لها الحقَّ الذي وجَبا

11. I am the Imam whose merits are hoped for
For God, glories higher than the clouds

١١. أنا الإمامُ الذي تُرْجَى مكارمُهُ
للهِ منها خِلالٌ فاقَتِ السُّحُبا

12. I am the protector whom people fear his resolves
In war, if He destines the soldiers or destinies

١٢. أنا الهُمامُ الذي تُخْشى عزائِمُهُ
في الحرْبِ إنْ كتّبَ الأجْنادَ أو كتَبا

13. So how can a pact made with me be violated
When I have knowledge of it inherently and habitually

١٣. فكيفَ تُخْفَرُ عندِي ذمّةٌ ثَبَتَتْ
لديّ أخبارُها طبْعاً ومُكْتَسبا

14. No, no, the affairs of a man whom his doctrine ruins
Never, and he attained no intention in any way

١٤. لا دَرُّ دَرُّ امرئٍ يُرْديهِ مذْهَبُهُ
كَلّا ولا نالَ قصْداً أيّةً ذَهَبا

15. And God suffices us from the eye of an envious one
Who shot, so the arrow turned back inverted upon him

١٥. واللهُ يَكلأنا منْ عيْنِ ذي حسَدٍ
رَمى فعادَ عليهِ السهْمُ مُنقَلِبا

16. Until He destroys enmity utterly and fulfills
A noble promise for the victory of religion hoped for

١٦. حتّى يبيدَ العِدَى طُرّاً ويُنجِزَهُ
وعْداً كَريماً لنصْرِ الدّينِ مُرْتَقَبا