1. You supported the religion of Allah, you were congratulated for your good deed
Its glad tidings guide you to fill the hearing
١. أناصِرَ دينِ اللهِ هُنِّئْتَهُ صُنْعا
بشائِرُهُ تُهْديكَ ما يَمْلأُ السّمْعا
2. You gathered the hearts of Muslims with determination
That stops whoever transgresses and answers whoever calls
٢. جمعْتَ قُلوبَ المُسلِمين بعزْمَةٍ
تكُفُّ مَنِ اسْتَعْدى تجيبُ مَنِ استَدْعى
3. You hit the enemies of the religion with a terrible blow
Leaving them dead at the battleground
٣. رمَيْتَ عُداةَ الدّين منها بفادِحٍ
لدى مُلْتَقى الهَيْجاءِ يترُكُهُمْ صرْعَى
4. And how many white hands have been decorated with a brave young man
Returning to the white abode
٤. وكمْ من يَدٍ بيْضاءَ طوّقتها فتىً
إلى منزلِ البيضاء قد أعْملَ الرُّجْعى
5. Who threw away his white abode to avenge
What the sword of Saif ibn Dhi Yazan had done
٥. رمَى دارَهُ البيضاءَ أخْذاً بِثارِه
بما قد رَمى سيْفُ بنُ ذي يَزَنٍ صَنْعا
6. And you truly upheld the burdens of loyalty
With no hardship in what you naturally did
٦. وقمْتَ بأعْباء الوفاءِ حقيقةً
ولا كُلْفةٌ فيما أتَيْتَ بهِ طَبْعا
7. And for Allah, construction was built from it
Raised on the coast when you established it
٧. وللهِ منها مُنشآتٌ قدِ ارْتَمَتْ
على اللّجِّ رَفْعاً حين أحْكَمتَها وَضْعا
8. And the shadows of security and prosperity were over it
So do good with it and succeed with it
٨. سرَتْ وظِلالُ الأمْنِ واليُمْنِ فوقَها
فأحْسِنْ به مَسْرىً وأنْجِحْ به مَسْعى
9. You warded off in the hearts of every opponent
The arrows of death towards him were aimed and hit
٩. درأْتَ به في صدْرِ كلّ مُعانِدٍ
سِهامُ المَنايا نحْوَهُ أُحْكِمَتْ وَقْعا
10. You were given good news of it, the making of a benefactor
He gifted them with it and it interceded for him
١٠. أتتْكَ بها البُشْرى صَنيعةَ مُنْعِمٍ
حَباهُمْ بها وِتْراً وعادَتْ لهُ شفْعا
11. And you built a stronghold for the Hanafi religion
And made it prominent among the guardians of Allah
١١. وشيّدتَ للدّين الحَنيفيّ مَصْنَعاً
وفي أولياءِ اللهِ أظهرْتَهُ صُنْعا
12. It destroys those who befriended misguidance and its people
Grave events that he cannot handle defending against
١٢. يُحِلُّ بمَنْ والَى الضّلالَ وأهْلَهُ
حوادِثَ جلّتْ أنْ يُطيقَ لها دَفْعا
13. Misguided by the Trinity, his place became mighty
So how many opponents of Allah were constrained by it
١٣. غَويٌّ به التّثليثُ عزَّ مكانُه
فكمْ ضارعٍ للهِ ضاقَ بهِ ذَرْعا
14. No verse is recited, no blessing is seen
No Sunnah is revived, no covenant respected
١٤. فلا آيَة تتْلَى ولا نعْمةٌ تُرَى
ولا سُنّةٌ تُحْيا ولا ذمّةٌ تُرْعَى
15. Wronging the religion, though it is a garden
Whose flowers he plucked and whose branches he cut
١٥. على الدّين ظُلماً قد جَنى وهْوَ روْضَةٌ
جَنى زهْرَها قَطْفاً وأغْصانَها قَطْعا
16. Until you came to the aid of the country and its people
Expanding them favor and fortifying them from prevention
١٦. إلى أن تَدارَكتَ البلادَ وأهْلَها
فأوْسَعْتَها منْحاً وحصّنتَها مَنْعا
17. You split it with the order of Allah, making it unbreakable
So the days cannot mend it after the split
١٧. صدَعْتَ بأمْر اللهِ فيه مُحَكّماً
فما تَجْبُرُ الأيامُ بعدُ لهُ صَدْعا
18. And you sent from your womb an all encompassing mercy
To dissolve its group and separate its mass
١٨. وأرسَلْتَ من رُحْماكَ شامِلَ رحْمةٍ
تُبدِّدُه شَمْلاً تفرِّقُهُ جَمْعا
19. You singled it out rightly and misguided it
And refuted it justly and struggled against it legally
١٩. فبايَنتَهُ رُشْداً وضلّلْتَهُ هُدىً
ودافعْتَهُ حُكْماً وجاهَدتَهُ شَرعا
20. The abodes became empty of it, so the sanctuary was desolate
The goal became far, and the pasture became vacant
٢٠. دِيارٌ خلَتْ منهُ فقدْ أقْفَرَ الحِمى
وقد بعُدَ المَرْمى وقد صوّحَ المرْعَى
21. And the family of Marwan, when they called you for help
You did not neglect the call or disregard the plea
٢١. وآلُ مَرينٍ إذْ دَعَوْا منكَ ناصراً
ولم تُهمِل الدّعْوى ولم تُغْفِلِ المَدْعا
22. You answered, and from your sending was the sword and the spear
A flame and lightning that stirred conflict with it
٢٢. أجَبْتَ ومنْ أرْسالِكَ السّيفُ والقَنا
شِهاباً وبرْقاً قد أثارَا به نَقْعا
23. I seek refuge in the seven often repeated [verses] for people
At the One, the Almighty who attained them perfectly
٢٣. أعوِّذُ بالسّبعِ المثاني خلائِقاً
لدى مُفرَد بالعزّ أحْرزَها سَبْعا
24. Chastity, courage, knowledge, determination
Forbearance, wisdom, warranting favor and prevention
٢٤. عفافاً وإقداماً وعِلْماً وعزْمَةً
وحِلْماً وحَزْماً يوجِبُ المنحَ والمَنْعا
25. To Him is the lightning of a sword in the clouds of comfort
Pleasant to you flashing in the gloom of war or gleaming
٢٥. لهُ برْقُ سيفٍ في غمامةِ راحةٍ
يروقُكَ لمْحاً في دُجَى الحرْبِ أو لمْعا
26. And here is the beautiful rhyme for you
So listen, O the most generous of men, listen
٢٦. وهاكَ من النّظمِ البَديعِ قَوافِياً
فسَمْعاً إمامَ الأكْرمين لها سَمْعا
27. It crowns me the crown of a grateful dove
So with praise in the meadow of wishes I make rhymes
٢٧. تُطوّقنِي طوْقَ الحمامة مُنْعِماً
فبالمَدْحِ في روْضِ المُنى أُسْمِعُ السّجْعا
28. And I have come with beautiful words, and whoever comes
To describe you in verse, his creativity is not innovation
٢٨. وقد جئتُ باللفظِ البَديعِ ومَن أتى
بوصْفِكَ نظماً ليسَ إبداعُهُ بِدْعا
29. You continue to grant victory, initially and repeatedly
And build the Hanafi religion with it fully
٢٩. فلازِلْتَ تُولي النّصْر بَدءاً وعَودةً
وتعْمرُ للدّين الحنيفِ بهِ رَبْعا