1. I greet you with the meteors of steeds as vanguards,
As meteors shone clearly on the horizon as risings.
١. تحَيّيكَ من شُهْبِ الجِيادِ طَلائِعُ
كما وضَحَتْ بالأفْقِ شُهْبٌ طَوالِعُ
2. Their number delights in the horizon or frightens it,
A racecourse for them there, and racecourses.
٢. تَروقُ عِداها في المَدى أو تَروعُها
مَدارِكُ سبْقٍ عندَها ومَدارِعُ
3. When the battle intensifies, their standing is long,
For the corpses of the enemies are but pastures.
٣. يَطولُ إذا اشْتدّ النّزالُ وقوفُها
فما جُثَثُ الأعداءِ إلا مراتِعُ
4. The hands of their peaks shed the blood of heroes,
Bending the valleys and the mountaintops, active ones.
٤. تُريقُ دَمَ الأبطالِ أيْدي كُماتِها
فتثني الهَوادي والنّواصي نَواصِعُ
5. They bent their resolve toward jihad, so horsemen
Through them, for the praise of the exalted, active ones.
٥. ثنَتْ عزْمَها نحْوَ الجِهادِ فوارِسٌ
بها لِثناءِ المعْلُواتِ فَوارِعُ
6. When the lands of disbelief became desolate through them
With abodes, then the lands became populated, marked.
٦. إذا ما ديارُ الكُفْرِ جاسَتْ خِلالها
بِدَاراً فمعْمورُ البِلادِ بلاقِعُ
7. And they tell the wolves of the desert, for they are guides
When their steeds galloped and trotted, trotters.
٧. وتَحْكي ظِباءَ القَفْرِ فهْيَ روائِدٌ
إذا أتْلَعَتْ أجيادَها وروائِعُ
8. And they adorned their bodies with their darkness
Glory, and from iron fabric, armors.
٨. وقد جلّلَتْ أجسادَها من قَتامِها
جِلالٌ ومِن نسْجِ الحَديدِ براقِعُ
9. As if the moles of the reddish cheeks above them
Are full moons, and the horizons of the saddles, risings.
٩. كأنّ سماتِ الأوْجُهِ الغُرِّ فوقَها
بُدورٌ وآفاقُ السّروجِ مَطالِعُ
10. The forearms shade them like clouds, to disappear,
And the light of dawn under the clouds, shining.
١٠. تُظلِّلُها الأدْراعُ سُحْباً لتخْتَفي
ونورُ الضُحى تحتَ الغَمائِم ساطِعُ
11. Armors that please viewers as if before them
The thirsty and they are the watering places.
١١. دُروعٌ تَروقُ النّاظرينَ كأنهُمْ
لدَيْها الظّماءُ الهِيمُ وهْيَ مَشارِعُ
12. When the sun of morning contends with its rays
It shoots them arrows to the clouds, deflectors.
١٢. إذا نازعَتْ شمْسُ الصّباحِ شُعاعَها
رمَتْها سِهامٌ للغَمامِ نَوازِعُ
13. So those are the eyes of the clouds that looked at them,
And out of fear, tears flowed from them.
١٣. فتلْكَ عيونُ السُحْبِ قد نظرَتْ لَها
ومِن خَشيةٍ سالَتْ لهُنّ مَدامِعُ
14. Since the flags of your victory fluttered
Hopes failed for the enemy and ambitions.
١٤. ومُذْ خفَقَتْ أعْلامُ نصْرِكَ أخْفَقَتْ
مَساعٍ وخابَتْ للعدوّ مَطامِعُ
15. So at the red standards, fearful and fearing
And dreading the harm of the blue spears, submitting.
١٥. فَخافٍ لدى حُمْرِ البُنودِ وخائِفٌ
وخاشٍ أذَى زُرْقِ النّصولِ وخاشِعُ
16. Stances of honor where the summits before them
Are stars that have positions in the coats of mail.
١٦. مواقِفُ عَرْضٍ تُطْلِعُ السُمْرُ عندَها
نُجوماً لَها في الدّارعينَ مَواقِعُ
17. So are the whites of India, and they are streams
Their outlets for the transgressors, places of death.
١٧. كذلكَ بيضُ الهِنْدِ وهيَ جَداولٌ
مصارِفُها للمُعْتَدينَ مَصارِعُ
18. The crooked bows are adorned, so settlements
With them seeking war, the helper, and disputing.
١٨. وقد حُلّيتْ عوجُ القِسيّ فنازِلٌ
بها يبتَغي الحرْبَ العَوانَ ونازِعُ
19. When poised above the hilltops, ready
For them above the bodies of clouds, risings.
١٩. إذا حُنيَتْ فوقَ الرُبى فأهِلّةٌ
لها فوقَ أجْرامِ السَّحابِ مَطالِعُ
20. Their neighing of clarion calls is answered by their yearning
So they rest towards the encounter and hasten.
٢٠. يُجيبُ صَهيلَ الصّافِناتِ حَنينُها
فترتاحُ نحْوَ المُلتَقى وتُسارِعُ
21. As if the pouring of rain is the impact of their arrows
When its shooting followed continuously.
٢١. كأنّ انسِكابَ الغيْثِ وقْعُ سِهامِها
إذا ما تُوالي رمْيَها وتُتابِعُ
22. Without war, they bend as if before their disputants
When deposits were returned, placators.
٢٢. وقد تنثَني من غيرِ حربٍ كأنّها
لدى نازِعيها حينَ رُدّتْ ودائِعُ
23. So they unleashed thoroughbred steeds, fierce warriors,
And were stripped except for flashing lightning bolts.
٢٣. فما استرسَلَتْ إلا غُيوثٌ سواجِمٌ
ولا جُرّدَتْ إلا بروقٌ لوامِعُ
24. And they turned except for gentle branches,
And spoke except for moaning doves, passionate ones.
٢٤. ولا انعطَفَتْ إلا غُصونٌ نواعِمٌ
ولا نطَقَتْ إلا حَمامٌ سواجِعُ
25. Since you presented the army, the enemies refrained
From war, dreading what will happen.
٢٥. ولما عرَضْتَ الجيشَ أعرَضَتِ العِدَى
عن الحرْبِ وارْتاعَتْ لما هوَ واقِعُ
26. They inclined to peace willingly, so why
Do they persist, and the world before you complies?
٢٦. لقد جنحَتْ للسّلْمِ طوْعاً فمالَها
تُطاولُ والدُنْيا لديْكَ تُطاوِعُ
27. Your brilliant dome before them is to God therein
A place of beauty that appears and workshops.
٢٧. وقُبّتُكَ الغرّاءُ للهِ عنْدَها
منازِهُ حُسْنٍ تُجتَلى ومَنازِعُ
28. You rose in its minaret, so every ruler
Before it, praises Him and says farewell.
٢٨. طلعْت بمرْقاها فكُلُّ مُمَلَّكٍ
لديْها يُوالي حَمْدَهُ ويوادِعُ
29. The armies and the reserves before it
Have playgrounds that fascinate rigor and retreats.
٢٩. فللجُنْدِ والجُرْدِ العِتاقِ أمامَها
ملاعِبُ تسْتَهوي النُهى ومراجِعُ
30. With a king whose determinations have become
Leading kings while they are humbled.
٣٠. لدى ملِكٍ قد أصبحَتْ عزَماتُهُ
تقودُ المُلوكَ الصّيدَ وهْيَ خواضِعُ
31. Is the nobility of kingship but when they come
To kiss his right hand pledging allegiance?
٣١. وهلْ شرَفُ الأملاكِ إلا إذا أتَتْ
تقبِّلُ يُمْناهُ بها وتُبايِعُ
32. Asking him for victory in that through which
They request his command and inform him?
٣٢. وتخطُبُ منهُ نصْرَها في الذي به
تُطالِبُه من أمْرها وتُطالِعُ
33. His assembled troops, and he before them
Defends the confederations of enemies and objects.
٣٣. لقد جُمعتْ أجْنادُهُ وهْو دونَها
يُدافِعُ أحْزابَ العِدَى ويُمانِعُ
34. A unique collection of all good traits
And unique in gathering the parts of virtues.
٣٤. فجمْعٌ بأنواعِ المَحاسِنِ مُفْرَدٌ
وفرْدٌ لأشْتاتِ المكارِمِ جامِعُ
35. How can kings compete with him, and he
Outpaces the supports of loftiness while placating?
٣٥. وأنّى تجاريهِ المُلوكُ وإنّهُ
لَيَسْبِقُ آمادَ العُلى وهْوَ وادِعُ
36. Manifestations became clear to the guided through him,
And for the religion of God, laws stood.
٣٦. قدِ اتّضَحتْ للمُهْتَدينَ شَعائِرٌ
بهِ ولدينِ اللهِ قامَتْ شرائِعُ
37. And how can you compare, while his sword stands
For him against the enemies, the occurrences of war?
٣٧. وأنّى تُدانيهِ وقائِمُ سيفهِ
لهُ في العِدَى طوعَ الجهادِ الوقائِعُ
38. From the Aus and Khazraj he puts at ease
Generations to honor, and ambitions soar.
٣٨. منَ الخزْرَجِ الأرضَيْنَ ترْتاحُ منهُمُ
إلى العِز أقْيالٌ وتَسْمو تَبابِعُ
39. They stop the adversities of fate wherever their palms stop them,
Passionate at the watering place of attainment, waterers.
٣٩. تكُفُّ خُطوبَ الدّهْرِ حيثُ أكفُّها
هَوامٍ بمُنْهَلّ النّوالِ هَوامِعُ
40. So nothing was serious except what their resolves stimulated,
And nothing was generous except their continuous generosity.
٤٠. فما جدّ إلا ما انتَضَتْ عَزَماتُها
ولا جادَ إلا جودُها المُتتابِعُ
41. Passionate at the wraps of darkness, ambitious,
And passionate at the clouds' pavilions, flaming.
٤١. فَطامٍ بمُلتَفِّ القَتامِ وطامِحٌ
وهامٍ بوكّافِ الغَمامِ وهامِعُ
42. They inherited glorious, abundant glory, supporting
Him who stands to protect the religion, and the religion dusty.
٤٢. لقد أوْرَثوا المجْدَ المؤثَّلَ ناصِراً
يقومُ لحِفْظِ الدّينِ والدينُ هاجِعُ
43. His supreme Caliphate, and every caliph
To his supremacy is biased, to his mercy fleeing.
٤٣. خِلافَتُهُ العُليا وكُلُّ خليفةٍ
لعُلْياهُ مُنْحازٌ لرُحْماهُ فازِعُ
44. So an asker asked, and a granter hoped,
And a suitor was addressed, and a listener called.
٤٤. فَطولِبَ وهّابٌ وأُمّلَ مُنعِمٌ
وخُوطِبَ مرْتاحٌ ونودِيَ سامِعُ
45. A hope was delivered, and a seeker aided,
And a frightened one secured, and a disputant returned.
٤٥. وبُلّغ مأمولٌ وأُسْعِفَ قاصِدٌ
وأُمِّنَ مُرْتاعٌ ورُدَّ مُنازِعُ
46. With resolve for him from the honor of kingship leading,
And wisdom for him from the foremost wisdom preventing.
٤٦. بعزْمٍ له من عزّةِ المُلْكِ سائِقٌ
وحُكمٍ لهُ من سابِقِ الحِلْمِ وازِعُ
47. The guardian of disbelief, with thinking, frequently
Confronts the parties of enemies and disputes.
٤٧. وإنّ وليَّ الكُفْرِ بالفِكْرِ طالَما
يُنازِلُ أحْزابَ العِدَى وينازِعُ
48. And the spears of Joseph in his war
Always, and the eyelids of enemies, waterers.
٤٨. وإنّ رِماحَ اليوسُفيّ بحرْبِهِ
دَوامٍ وأجْفانُ العُداةِ دوامِعُ
49. Passionate whose roar makes war a roaring lion,
A sign of the supported victory, cutter.
٤٩. هُمامٌ يُزيرُ الحرْبَ أُسْداً زَئيرُها
دَليلٌ على النّصْرِ المؤزَّرِ قاطِعُ
50. Brave in promise, truthful in promise,
Generous with money, and loud with the truth.
٥٠. على الرّوْعِ مِقْدامٌ وفي الوعدِ صادقٌ
وللمالِ وهّابٌ وبالحَقِّ صادِعُ
51. Serious for the chest of religion, healing and relaxing,
Generosity for the doors of virtues, opening.
٥١. فجدٌّ لصَدْرِ الدين شافٍ وشارحٌ
وجودٌ لأبوابِ المكارِمِ شارِعُ
52. And opinion like the lofty arrow surpassed,
And resolve like the arrow contested, deflecting.
٥٢. وعزْمٌ كما هزّ المهنّدَ ضاربٌ
ورأيٌ كما قد فوّقَ السّهْمَ نازِعُ
53. O king of the world, through your justice founded
Of religion, flags, and workshops stood.
٥٣. فَيا ملِكَ الدُنْيا بعدلِكَ شُيِّدَتْ
منَ الدّينِ أعْلامٌ وقامَتْ مصانِعُ
54. Your position is praiseworthy, and your justice all-encompassing,
Your shadow outstretched, and your effort disseminated.
٥٤. مَقامُك محْمودٌ وعدْلُكَ شامِلٌ
وظِلّكَ مَمدودٌ وجَهْدُكَ ذائِعُ
55. Your party victorious, and your might conquering,
Your generosity dispensed, and your patience vast.
٥٥. وحزْبُكَ منصورٌ وعِزُّكَ قاهِرٌ
وجودُكَ مَبْذولٌ وحِلْمُكَ واسعُ
56. Your palm a sea, and successors sail
Its generosity, passionate for the attainment, ambitious.
٥٦. وكفّكَ بحْرٌ والخلائفُ ترْتَجي
نَداها فَطامٍ بالنّوالِ وطامِعُ
57. Except to your might submitted,
And except to your rule returning.
٥٧. فلا مُعْتَلٍ إلا لعزّكَ خاضِعٌ
ولا معْتَدٍ إلا لحُكْمِكَ راجِعُ
58. And no ruler except with your victory sent,
And no king except to your kingship following.
٥٨. ولا مَلَكٌ إلا بنَصرِكَ مُرْسَلٌ
ولا مَلِكٌ إلا لمُلْكِكَ تابِعُ
59. The kings of the West called you, all of them
With the easiest fortune to accept you, satisfied.
٥٩. دعَتْكَ مُلوكُ الغرْبِ والكُلّ منهُمُ
بأيْسَرِ حظٍّ منْ قَبولِكَ قانِعُ
60. The burdens of wars stood, but the hilltops of its resolve stood not
Except when your opinion was seen, baring.
٦٠. وقامَتْ بأعْباءِ الحُروبِ ولمْ تَقُمْ
رُبَى عزْمِها إلا ورأيُكَ فارِعُ
61. From you, the hearts were quenched with awe
So none of them except obedient and hearing.
٦١. وقد أُشرِبَتْ منكَ القُلوبُ مَهابةً
فما منهُمُ إلا مُطيعٌ وسامِعُ
62. Honored is he who took the position of your station from them
So the opponent stopped, and the disputant feared him.
٦٢. لقد عزَّ مَن والَى مقامَكَ منهُمُ
فكفّ المُناوي واتّقاهُ المُنازِعُ
63. So neither the warband frightened, nor the adversity surprising,
Nor the kingdom taken, nor fate startling.
٦٣. فلا السِّرْبُ مُرتاعٌ ولا الخطْبُ فاجئٌ
ولا المُلْكُ مَسْلوبٌ ولا الدّهْرُ فاجِعُ
64. Does time sin or inflict an event
That frightens, and from your stream, healing and interceding?
٦٤. أيُذْنِبُ دهْرٌ أو يُلمُّ بحادِثٍ
يَروعُ ومِنْ جَدْواكَ شافٍ وشافِعُ
65. God has decreed that the matter however you want it
And for what God has willed, there is no repeller.
٦٥. قَضى اللهُ أنّ الأمْرَ كيفَ تُريدُهُ
وليسَ لما قد شاءَهُ اللهُ دافِعُ
66. For God is a day in seasons, radiant
Nice beauty, fine beauty, wondrous.
٦٦. فللهِ يومٌ في المَواسمِ باهِرٌ
أنيقُ المحيّا رائقُ الحُسْنِ رائِعُ
67. You adorned the hall by it, and the celebration under it
Overflows upon them from your generosity, springs.
٦٧. حلَلْتَ به الإيوانَ والحَفْلُ دونَهُ
تَفيضُ عليهِم من نَداكَ يَنابِعُ
68. The armies circled you as if they are
Planets of prosperity that the horizons lifted.
٦٨. ودارَتْ حَوالَيْكَ الجنودُ كأنها
كَواكِبُ سَعدٍ قد جلَتْها المطالِعُ
69. By God, a presence that every newcomer entered it
As if he settled it in the Paradise of immortality, settled.
٦٩. فللهِ منها حضْرةٌ كلُّ وافِدٍ
وقد حلّها في جنّة الخُلْدِ راتِعُ
70. You were congratulated on a feast you held, doing its favor,
And for God through it, deeds were great.
٧٠. وهُنّئتَهُ عيداً أقمتَ صَنيعَه
وقد عظُمَتْ للهِ فيهِ صَنائِعُ
71. And here she is who softened and flowed with beauty
With its manifestations spontaneously and marvels.
٧١. وهاكَ التي رقّتْ وراقتْ مَحاسِناً
بدائِهُ من تِلْقائِها وبدائِعُ
72. To meet at the Master of Caliphs, Joseph
With words she listens to, from speech, listeners.
٧٢. لتُلْقي لدى موْلى الخلائِفِ يوسُفٍ
منَ القوْلِ ما تُصْغي إليه المَسامِعُ
73. Had it not been for you, the rain of eloquence not pouring for me
Nor the garden of rhetoric, sprouting.
٧٣. ولوْلاكَ ما غيْثُ الإجادةِ هامِلٌ
لديّ ولا روْضُ البلاغةِ يانِعُ
74. So may your world and your kingdom last, supporting,
And under your supremacy, obedient and voluntarily following!
٧٤. فدامَتْ لك الدنْيا ومُلْكُكَ ناصرٌ
ومن دونِ عُلْياهُ مُطيعٌ وطائِعُ
75. For the purpose, supporting, and for the gift, seeking
For the promise, fulfilling, and for the happiness, rising!
٧٥. وللقَصْدِ إسعافٌ وللرّفْدِ طالِبٌ
وللوعْدِ إنجازٌ وللسّعْدِ طالِعُ
76. Until you attain the kingship east and west
So a hope is reached, and the vast nears.
٧٦. إلى أن تنالَ المُلْكَ غَرْباً ومَشْرِقاً
فيُدْرَكُ مأمولٌ ويَقْرُبُ شاسِعُ
77. I hope God until it is as if I see
With good thinking what God will do.
٧٧. وإني لأرْجو اللهَ حتّى كأنّني
أرَى بجميلِ الظّنِّ ما اللهُ صانِعُ