
You are welcomed, O Master of all,

هنئت يا مولى الورى مقدما

1. You are welcomed, O Master of all,
You have risen like lucky stars.

١. هُنِّئْتَ يا مَوْلى الوَرى مَقْدَما
أطْلَعْتَ للسّعدِ بهِ أنجُما

2. You have come from Malaga and settled,
Competing with the stars in the highest heaven.

٢. حَلَلْتَ من مالَقَةٍ مَنزِلاً
زاحَمَ في العَلياءِ شهْبَ السّما

3. Eyes roam freely in its squares,
Imprisoning the complainer and the skeptic.

٣. يسرَحُ منهُ الطّرْفُ في مَربَعٍ
يُقيّدُ المُنْجِدَ والمُتْهِما

4. The flags of its people raced,
To wear the dress of highness proudly.

٤. تسابَقَ الأعْلامُ من أهْلِها
ليَلبِسوا ثوْبَ العُلَى مُعْلَما

5. They said, as you have fulfilled what is for God,
Our Master was merciful and compassionate.

٥. قالوا وقد وافيت لله ما
أشفقَ مولانا وما أرحما

6. This is the dawn of guidance, we congratulate you,
Far be it, the dawn cannot conceal it.

٦. هذا صَباحُ الهَدْيِ حيّاكُمُ
هيْهاتَ جلَّ الصُبْحُ أن يكْتَما

7. This is the Joseph-like station,
What an elevation and splendor it has!

٧. هَذا المَقامُ اليوسُفيُّ الذي
للهِ ما أعْلى وما أعْلَما

8. Its rulings curb the hand of injustice,
And its guidance dispels the deep darkness.

٨. تكُفُّ كفَّ الظلمِ أحْكامُهُ
وهَدْيُهُ يجْلو الدُجى المُظْلِما

9. You have extended a hand for kissing,
While the horizon's clouds have gathered at night.

٩. مدَدْتَ للتّقْبيلِ كفّاً ومِن
قبْلُ غَمامُ الأفْقِ لَيْلاً هَمى

10. So the minds were confused,
Not knowing which direction life would take.

١٠. فحارَتِ الأذهانُ في شأنِها
لمْ تَدرِ ما صَوْبُ الحَيا منهُما

11. When kissing your hand, they think
They are like cats at their watering hole.

١١. تحْسِبُهُمْ في حين تَقْبيلِها
قَطاً على مَوْرِدِها حُوّما

12. Then they withdrew after the praise,
Reciting its mention, preserved before you.

١٢. ثمّ انثَنوْا بعدَ الثناءِ الذي
تَلوْا لديكَ ذِكْرَهُ المُحْكَما

13. The return of my Master to his homelands,
They have made it a feast and season.

١٣. عودةُ مَولايَ لأوطانِهِمْ
قد جَعلوهُ العِيدَ والمَوْسِما

14. What is the nature of the people of victory,
When they have shown ingratitude for blessings!

١٤. ما جبَلُ الفتْحِ ومَن أهْلُهُ
إذْ أصبَحوا قدْ كَفَروا الأنعُما

15. As if there is fear in their land,
Refusing the order of security.

١٥. كأن بهِمْ والرّوْعُ في أرضِهمْ
يأبَى لشَمْلِ الأمْنِ أنْ يُنْظَما

16. As if their doubter has returned,
Enticed by what you have given, ungrateful.

١٦. كأنْ بهِمْ قدْ عادَ مُرْتابُهمْ
مُغْرىً بما أوْلَيْتَهُ مُغْرَما

17. Hoping from you for the victory of guidance,
A noble Master, bestower of gifts.

١٧. مؤمّلاً منك لنصْرِ الهُدَى
مولىً هُماماً باذِلاً مُنْعِما

18. Where are piety, justice and grace from a people,
For whom injustice has become a tradition!

١٨. أيْنَ التُقى والعَدْلُ والفضلُ من
قوْمٍ غَدا الجَور لهُمْ مِيسَما

19. And soon each one of them will fall,
Who drove the steeds of transgression or sinned.

١٩. وسوفَ يكبُو منهُمُ كُلُّ مَنْ
أجْرى جيادَ البَغي أو أجْرَما

20. As if my noble Master's pleasure,
Has been made an arbitrator between two seas.

٢٠. كأن بمَولايَ الهُمامِ الرّضَى
في مَجْمَعِ البحْرَيْنِ قد حُكِّما

21. As if my Master, Imam of guidance,
Has made uprightness a flag for the religion.

٢١. كأن بمَولايَ إمامِ الهُدى
للدّين يعْلي عندهُ مَعْلَما

22. And every stubborn unbeliever,
Has become war booty at the hands of the holy warriors.

٢٢. وكُلّ كَفّارٍ عنيدٍ لَدى
مَغنى الجهادِ قد غَدا مغْنَما

23. My Master, the praise of a servant stepping
Towards attaining his wishes has always been a ladder.

٢٣. مولايَ مدحُ العَبْدِ قِدْماً إلى
نيْلِ مُناهُ لمْ يزَلْ سُلَّما

24. O sign, since you have risen, justice
Has clarified what was ambiguous.

٢٤. يا آيةً مذْ أطْلِعَت قد جَلَتْ
بالعَدلِ أمْراً لمْ يَزل مُبْهَما

25. O mercy, I have made it a refuge,
From all that I fear, and fortified.

٢٥. يا رَحْمةً من كُلّ ما أتّقِي
جعلتُها كهْفاً ومُسْتَعْصَما

26. O blessing, I have called myself its slave,
My fate among mankind became elevated.

٢٦. يا نعمةً سُمِّيتُ مَمْلوكَها
قَدْري بِها بيْن البرايا سَما

27. The fresh roses complaining of thirst.
Your care over the servant is shade, and without you

٢٧. ها أنا كالعِيسِ وقد حُمِّلَتْ
عذْبَ الوُرودِ وهْيَ تشكُو الظّما

28. The embers of passion have been ignited.
You remain, and victory as you will,

٢٨. جاهُكَ فوقَ العبْدِ ظِلٌّ ومِنْ
بُعْدِكَ جمرُ الوَجْدِ قد أُضْرِما

29. Comes from your door, protecting the sanctuary.
For you is the prayer of victory and honor,

٢٩. لا زِلْتَ والنّصرُ كما ترْتَضي
يحُلُّ من بابِكَ أعْلَى حِمَى

30. By one who circumambulated the House or entered Ihram.

٣٠. بالنّصْرِ والعزّ لكُمْ قد دَعا
مَن طافَ بالبَيْتِ ومَنْ أحْرَما