
Do not deny poetry on his cheek

لا تنكروا الشعر على خده

1. Do not deny poetry on his cheek
For roses are not without thorns

١. لا تُنكِروا الشّعْرَ على خدِّهِ
فالورْدُ لا يخلو من الشّوْكِ

2. O temptation of lovers, yet they
Ransomed you with precious souls

٢. يا فِتْنَةَ العشّاقِ لكنهُمْ
بالأنْفُسِ العِلْيَةِ فَدَّوْكِ

3. O glances of the moment, they did not do justice
If only they had enthralled you with magic

٣. يا نَظَراتِ اللحْظِ ما أنصَفوا
لوْ أنهُمْ بالسّحْرِ حلَّوْكِ

4. They offered their greetings to your melody
Then bid you farewell when they greeted you

٤. أهْدَوْا لمغْناكِ تحيّاتِهِمْ
ثمّ اسْتقلّوا حينَ حيَّوْكِ

5. Their hearts they gifted you, for in love
You gifted them when for an hour they gifted you

٥. قُلوبَهُمُ أهدَوْكِ إذ للهَوى
هدَيْتِهِمْ ساعةَ أهْدَوْكِ

6. They named you imperfect in beauty's perfection
When you were a full moon on the horizon they named you

٦. ساموكِ نقْصاً في كَمالِ الحُلَى
إذْ هُمْ ببدْرِ الأفْقِ سمَّوْكِ

7. How often did they vow you were the sun of daybreak
And the pact of oaths they gave you

٧. كمْ عاهَدوا أنّكِ شمْسُ الضُحَى
وصَفْقَةَ الأيْمانِ أعْطَوْكِ

8. If they swore it's true and not your right they fulfilled
Your charm leaned in a beautiful tilt so I do not doubt

٨. بَرّوا إذا ما أقسَموا أنّهُ
حقٌّ وما حقُّكِ وفَّوْكِ

9. That wine has given you
So O souls that passion for union revived you.

٩. تمايلَتْ عِطْفاكِ زَهْواً فَما
أشُكُّ أنّ الخَمْرَ عاطَوْكِ