
The morning breeze blowing the youths of dawn,

نسيم الصبا راع الصبابة وفده

1. The morning breeze blowing the youths of dawn,
Their vigor invigorating the wings of ardency.

١. نسيمُ الصّبا راعَ الصّبابةَ وفْدُهُ
فما للجَوَى طَيّ الجوانحِ وقْدُهُ

2. A weary one walked curing languor with arrivals,
Its coldness contracted from the tear of clouds.

٢. عليلٌ سَرَى يشفِي الغليلَ بوافِدٍ
قدْ ابْتَلّ منْ دَمْعِ الغَمامةِ بُرْدُهُ

3. It reminds of those covenants a condition,
Its covenant watered from the tear of my eye its covenant.

٣. يذَكِّرُ من تلك المعاهِد حَلَّةً
سَقى عهدَها من دمعِ عيْنيَ عهْدُهُ

4. It greeted so it guided the determined one with greeting,
Its lightning in the clouds discharged its thunderbolt.

٤. وحيّا فأهْدَى المُستَهامَ تحيّةً
سَنا بارقٍ في السُّحْبِ يُقدحُ زَنْدُهُ

5. It stirs the tear of the eye the fire of his passion,
Whenever it willed to meet a friend who befriends it.

٥. يؤجّجُ دمعَ العينِ نار غرامِه
متى ودّ أنْ يلقى خليلاً يودُّهُ

6. The nights wear away in passion and its heart,
Renewed over the succession of new ones, its love.

٦. وتبْلَى الليالي في الهَوى وفؤادُهُ
جديدٌ على مرِّ الجَديديْنِ وُدُّهُ

7. So neither supporter but his woe and his tear,
Nor felicitator but its vicinity and its bliss.

٧. فلا منجِدٌ إلا أساهُ ودمْعُهُ
ولا مُسْعِدٌ إلا جواهُ وسُهْدُهُ

8. The soft-bodied one, I did not forget her covenant
With the covenant of intimacy which is old, its covenant.

٨. ومائلةِ الأعطافِ لم أنْسَ عهدَها
بمعْهَدِ أُنْسٍ قد تقادَمَ عهْدُهُ

9. I stopped my love at the beauty of her appearance,
And if earnestly loved by the enamored heart, its ardency.

٩. على حُسْن مرآها وقفْتُ محبّتي
وإنْ جدّ بالقلبِ المتيّمِ وجْدُهُ

10. Above the camel litters a band sharp
To the meeting place straightway the journey and its wound.

١٠. وفوْقَ مُتونِ العيس ركْبٌ حَدا بهِمْ
إلى المُلْتَقى نصُّ المَسيرِ ووَخْدُهُ

11. They incline to the memory as if its roses
A breeze it leaned from the sand dune, its flexible branch.

١١. يميلون للذّكْرى كأنّ وُرودَها
نسيمٌ به مالَتْ من الدّوحِ مُلْدُهُ

12. They say why are the riding beasts neighing
If not for the sword's sharpness it would not have stimulated its edge.

١٢. يقولون ما بال المَطايا ضوامِراً
ولوْلا نحول السيْفِ ما راعَ حدُّهُ

13. Its roses are not fragrant if signs did not appear for it
On a hill the oryx appeared and its saliva dripped.

١٣. وما ورْدُها عذبٌ إذا لمْ يَبِنْ لها
على كثَبٍ بانُ العُذَيْبِ ورَنْدُهُ

14. A meadow where hopes are realized by it
And the covenant of intimacy its knot is tightened.

١٤. وروْضٍ ترى الآمالَ قد حُلّتِ الحُبا
لدَيْهِ وعهدُ الأنْسِ أُحْكِمَ عَقدُهُ

15. As if the herbs and the light above its low lands
Are pearls in a necklace scattered, its knot.

١٥. كأنّ الرُبى والنورُ فوق بِطاحِها
لآلِئُ في جيدٍ تَناثرَ عِقْدُهُ

16. As if the breeze dressed up in it and came
A messenger, so it could not be driven back from afar, its repulsion.

١٦. كأنّ النسيمَ اعْتلّ فيها وقدْ أتى
رسولاً فلم يمكِن على البُعْدِ ردُّهُ

17. As if the flash of lightning, its sword appears
When the darkness clothed the ignorant one and extended its sheath.

١٧. كأنّ وميضَ البرقِ يبدُو حُسامُه
دُجىً فيوارِيه من السّحْبِ غِمْدُهُ

18. As if the light of dawn an unsheathed sword
When the night armored the brute and controlled it.

١٨. كأنّ ضياءَ الفجرِ سيفٌ مُشهَّرٌ
مَتى ادّرَع الليلُ البَهيمُ يَقُدُّهُ

19. As if the stars of the horizon a prepared army
Hiding in the river of daytime and its roses.

١٩. كأنّ نجومَ الأفقِ جيشٌ مُحَلَّأٌ
تَواريهِ في نهرِ النّهارِ وورْدُهُ

20. As if the rising of the moon at its fullest
Is the Caliph Joseph greeting and the planets are its troops.

٢٠. كأنّ طلوعَ البدْرِ عندَ تمامِهِ
مُحَيّا ابنِ نصرٍ والكواكِبَ جُنْدُهُ

21. As if the glow of dawn is the face of Joseph
And the redness of dawn that appeared in it is its revolution.

٢١. كأنّ الضحى وجْهُ الخليفةِ يوسُفٍ
وما احْمرَّ فيه من سنَا الفجْرِ بَنْدُهُ

22. As if the sharpness of the reddened horizon is its sword
Having spilled blood beneath the resting army and its notch.

٢٢. كأنّ سَنا الأفْقِ الموَرَّدِ سيْفُهُ
وقد راقَ منْ تحتِ النجيعِ فِرِنْدُهُ

23. So to Allah a meadow the rain watered its flowers
And the announcement of soft breezes spread its activity.

٢٣. فللهِ روضٌ باكَرَ الغيْثُ زَهْرَهُ
وذاعَ بهبّاتِ النّواسِم ندُّهُ

24. The horizons are greeted by it but it is surpassed
By the praise of the Commander of the Muslims and his laudation.

٢٤. تُحَيّا به الآفاقُ لكِنْ يفوقُهُ
ثناءُ أمير المسْلمين وحَمْدُهُ

25. And to Allah the blossoms of the horizons when its light rose
And the depth of atmosphere from it radiated and its splendor.

٢٥. وللهِ زُهر الأفْقِ إذ لاحَ نورُها
وأشرَق غَوْرُ الجوِّ منها ونَجْدُهُ

26. But it disappears and the light of guidance which
The son of Nasr shows cannot be denied.

٢٦. ولكنها تخْفَى ونورُ الهُدَى الذي
يُريه ابْنُ نصْرٍ ليسَ يُمكِنُ جحْدُهُ

27. So its perfection and proximity have graced it from him
And its attainment and distance have awed it from him.

٢٧. فقد راقَها منهُ الكمال وقُرْبُه
وقد راعَها منهُ المنالُ وبُعْدُهُ

28. And to our master the Caliph Yusuf
An imam of guidance the goodness of which encompassed the lands.

٢٨. ولله مَولانا الخليفَةُ يوسُفٌ
إمامَ هُدىً عمّ البريّة رِفْدُهُ

29. The destitute of generosity frequent him expectantly
Tomorrow a helper with the intent of the hopeful his intent.

٢٩. تَؤمُّ عُفاةُ الجودِ منهُ مؤمَّلاً
غَدا مُسْعِفاً قصْدَ المؤمّلِ قَصْدُهُ

30. Generous, generous, if competed with to benefaction
Then is frustrated whoever desires the extent of his generosity its extent.

٣٠. جَوادٌ جوادٌ إنْ تُسوبِقَ للنّدَى
فيُعْجِزُ من يَبْغي مَدَى الجودِ شدُّهُ

31. So if the Mamun wished and his goblets succeeded,
And if the Rashid was guided by guidance, and rationality embraced him.

٣١. فلوْ أمّن المأمونَ فازَتْ قِداحُهُ
وأهْدَى الرشيدَ الهَدْيَ وافاهُ رُشْدُهُ

32. If the kingdoms are measured with the content Nasir
Then the jest of words and its seriousness are not equal.

٣٢. إذا قِيسَتِ الأملاكُ بالنّاصِر الرضَى
فما يسْتَوي هزْلُ الكلامِ وجِدُّهُ

33. How can a king in an extent compete one whose
Angels of the seven heavens extend it?

٣٣. وكيفَ يجارى في مدىً مَلِكٌ غدَتْ
ملائكةُ السّبعِ الطّباقِ تُمِدُّهُ

34. His determination kneels before the army for conquest
And his good omen strikes before the sword in war, its good omen.

٣٤. فينْهَدُ قبل الجيش للفتْحِ عزمُهُ
ويضرِبُ قبل السّيفِ في الحَرْبِ سعْدُهُ

35. Through him the stock and source were purified in Taybah
And in Mecca ennobled by what his grandfather seized.

٣٥. بطيْبَةَ منهُ طابَ أصْلٌ ومَنشأٌ
وفي مكَّةٍ أعْظِمْ بما حاز جدُّهُ

36. So for this one his measurement was set forward for the conquest
And the Messenger of Allah was sheltered in that one, his happiness.

٣٦. ففي هذه للفتحِ قُدِّم قَيْسُهُ
وآوَى رسول الله في تلكَ سعْدُهُ

37. And whoever's lineage is to the noble companions
Then how is his glory matched among the caliphs, his glory?

٣٧. ومنْ كان للصّحبِ الكرامِ انتِسابُهُ
فكيف يُضاهَى في الخلائِفِ مجْدُهُ

38. Through them the religion of Allah was honored when
Adnan prepared them for supporting guidance, its pillar and its support.

٣٨. بهمْ عزّ دينُ اللهِ لمّا أعدّهُمْ
لنصْرِ الهُدَى عدْنانُهُ ومَعَدُّهُ

39. They begot from them caliphs who climbed
To power steps that cannot be exceeded, its limit.

٣٩. لقد أنجبوا منهُمْ خلائِفَ فارتقَتْ
إلى العِزّ مرقىً لا يُجاوَزُ حدُّهُ

40. So if guiding stars have set from them
Then you are the full moon whose observation is prolonged.

٤٠. فإنْ غرُبَتْ منهُمْ نجومُ هِدايةٍ
فأنتَ هوَ البَدْرُ الذي طال رصْدُهُ

41. And if a drinker's share has diminished from their bucket
Then your drinker is the sea whose extent overflowed.

٤١. وإن غاضَ من جَدْواهُمُ نَيلُ نائِلٍ
فنائِلُكَ البحْرُ الذي فاضَ مَدُّهُ

42. They left you knowledge, forbearance, and determination
Your ally is Allah's victory through it and his support.

٤٢. وإنْ درَجوا قد خلّفوا منك ناصِراً
غَدا الدّين للنّصْرِ العَزيزِ يُعِدُّهُ

43. So no wish but you direct its arrow
And no defect in the frontiers but you repair it.

٤٣. ليعْلَم أهْلُ الشّركِ أنّك فيهِمُ
تُجاهِدُ حتى يوهِنَ الكُفْرَ جَهْدُهُ

44. Whatever the polytheism constructed landmarks for its religion
And heightened it but the lofty summits are demolished.

٤٤. وإنّ العُلَى منْ بعدِهم بكَ شُيّدَتْ
معالِمُها والفتْح أُنجِزَ وَعْدُهُ

45. The enemy of religion covets opportunity in religion
So you prevent him from his purpose and block him.

٤٥. وإنّ نجومَ الأفْقِ لمْ يخبُ نورُها
وإن سحابَ الجودِ ما عزّ وجْدُهُ

46. How many hopeful turned to your door
To gain your abundant generosity and its gift.

٤٦. وإنّ مدَى العَلياءِ لم يكْبُ طِرْفُهُ
وإنّ لواءَ النصْرِ ما حُلَّ عَقْدُهُ

47. So his request succeeded and his want attained
And his purpose reached and his aim delivered.

٤٧. وإنّ قَناةَ العزّ ما رُدَّ نصْلُها
وإنّ حُسامَ المُلْكِ ما فُلَّ حدُّهُ

48. And to Allah a blessed kingdom you established
The kings of the earth love its existence.

٤٨. خلَفْتَهُمُ عِلْماً وحِلماً وعزْمةً
حليفُكَ نصْرُ اللهِ فيها وعَضدُهُ

49. And the stars of fortune rose up for it
Fulfilling their gifts wherever its knot tightened.

٤٩. فلا أمَلٌ إلا تُسدّدُ سهْمَهُ
ولا خَلَلٌ في الثغْرِ إلا تَسُدُّهُ

50. You called the people of jihad to it so they obeyed
As his delegation came to Allah's House for pilgrimage.

٥٠. وما شيّدَ الإشْراكُ مَعْلَمَ دينِه
وأعْلاهُ إلا والعَوالِي تهُدُّهُ

51. And to Allah a racecourse from the horizon of the Sabika
Whose bareback rider compete the horse released by wind, its horse.

٥١. يرومُ عدوُّ الدّين في الدّين فُرْصَةً
فتمْنَعُهُ عنْ قَصْدِه وتصدُّهُ

52. The steeds of victory saunter in it when
They inclined to playfulness in it the journey energizes it.

٥٢. وكمْ واردٍ قد أمّ بابَك آمِلاً
ليَحْظَى بجَدْواكَ المُهنَّإِ ورْدُهُ

53. They wander about as the crooked one willed so pearls are harvested
By their approach contrary to the misguided and his repulsion.

٥٣. فأنجَح مسْعاهُ وأُمِّنَ سِرْبُهُ
وفاز مُعَلّاهُ وبُلِّغَ قَصْدُهُ

54. They silence in wonder every hot-tempered one when
They raid and the clamor of war their lions roar.

٥٤. وللهِ إمْلاكٌ سعيدٌ أقمْتَهُ
مُلوكُ الورَى فيه القِيامَ تودُّهُ

55. You see the dawn reciting the redness of dawn whenever
The gray one plays with it the rose color and its timber.

٥٥. وقد طلعَتْ للسّعْدِ فيه كَواكِبٌ
تحُلُّ حُباها حيْث أُحكِم عَقْدُهُ

56. You granted it wonderful crafts craved
By Secure China and India's domains.

٥٦. دعوْتَ له أهْلَ الجهادِ فأهْطَعوا
كما زارَ بيتَ اللهِ للحجِّ وفْدُهُ

57. My lord, but the description from you is frustrating
And who can count the pebbles or number it?

٥٧. ولله من أفْق السّبيكةِ ملعَبٌ
تُجاري لَديْهِ مُرسَلَ الرّيحِ جُرْدُهُ

58. Your servant puts forward what he is capable of it
For counting it frustrates the eloquent and its counting.

٥٨. تَروقُ جيادُ النّصْرِ فيه متى ارْتَمَتْ
إلى لعِبٍ فيه المَسيرَ تُجِدُّهُ

59. So take from it what makes pearls forget when
His printing became not money and his minting.

٥٩. تجولُ كما شاءَ الكَميُّ فيُجْتَلَى
بإقْبالها عكْسُ الغويِّ وطَرْدُهُ

60. Your servant hopes from his master the custom of forgiving
When your servant deviates from the path of guidance.

٦٠. وتُصْمِتُ عُجْباً كُلَّ ذي لجَبٍ إذا
أغارَتْ وغابُ الحرْبِ تزأرُ أُسْدُهُ

61. The days do not create the attire of my hopes
And your blessings, O Master of the lands, renew it.

٦١. ترى الصّبْحَ يتْلو حُمرَةَ الفجْرِ كُلّما
يُلاعِبُ منها الأشْهَبَ اللون ورْدُهُ

62. So last, enemy of the religion, if he covets
To your kingdom, returning his kingdom and his reversal.

٦٢. فهنِّئْتَهُ صُنْعاً جميلاً تشوّفَتْ
لهُ صينُ معْمور البلادِ وهِندُهُ

63. What every believer most hopes for
Is the continuance of the Josephian position and its eternity.

٦٣. أمَولايَ أما الوصْفُ منكَ فمُعْجِزٌ
ومنْ ذا الذي يُحْصِي الحَصَى أو يعُدُّهُ

٦٤. وعبدُكَ يُلْقي منهُ ما يَسْتَطيعُهُ
فإحْصاؤُهُ يُعْيي البليغَ وعَدُّهُ

٦٥. فخذْ منهُ ما ينْسي اللآلِئَ إذْ غدَتْ
نسيئَتُهُ لا نَقْدَ فيها ونَقْدُهُ

٦٦. يؤمِّل من موْلايَ عادةَ صَفْحِهِ
إذا حادَ عن نهجِ الهِدايةِ عبْدُهُ

٦٧. وما تُخْلِقُ الأيّامُ ثوْبَ مآمِلي
ونُعْماكَ يا مَوْلَى الورَى تسْتَجِدُّهُ

٦٨. فدُمْ وعدُوُّ الدّين إنْ أمَّ مقْصَداً
لِملكِكَ رُجْعَى مُلْكِهِ ومَرَدُّهُ

٦٩. فأفضَلُ ما يَرْجوهُ كلُّ مُوحِّدٍ
بَقاءُ المَقامِ اليوسُفيّ وخُلْدُهُ