1. My Master, the Highest of the High Abode
Your servant hopes for bounty from You for him
١. موْلايَ يا أعْلى الوَرى منزِلَهْ
عبْدُكَ يرجُو نعْمةً منكَ لَهْ
2. Like his two companions, who have attained
All they desired, and all made perfect
٢. مثْلَ رَفيقَيْهِ وقد بُلّغا
ما أسْعَفَ القصْدَ وما كمّلَهْ
3. Both succeeded in what they willed
While Your servant did not gain what he wished
٣. كِلاهُما فازَ بما شاءَهُ
ولم ينَلْ عبدُك ما أمّلَهْ
4. Surely my Master al-Imam al-Riḍā
Will judge in that with equity
٤. وإنّ موْلايَ الإمامَ الرّضا
يحْكُمُ في ذلكَ بالمَعْدِلَهْ
5. The provision of my Master encompasses all creatures
With clouds of generosity sent forth
٥. ورِفْدُ موْلايَ يعُمُّ الوَرى
سحائِبُ الجودِ بهِ مُرْسَلَهْ
6. So do not disappoint a hopeful one who never ceased
To come in every state to his spring
٦. فلا تُخيّبْ راجياً لمْ يزَلْ
في كُلّ حال وارِداً مَنْهَلَهْ
7. I pleaded by the Guide of Mankind
The Firm in Word, He who sent it down
٧. وقد توسّلْت بهادِي الوَرى
ومُحْكَمِ الذّكْرِ ومَن أنْزَلَهْ
8. You constantly display aid to the religion of guidance
In the present and in coming times
٨. لازِلْتَ تُبْدي نصْرَ دينِ الهُدى
في الحالِ والأزمِنةِ المُقْبِلَهْ