
The clouds rained down on the pastures of Najd and gave it life

جاد الغمام ربى نجد وحياها

1. The clouds rained down on the pastures of Najd and gave it life
So the caravans are guided only by its downpour

١. جادَ الغَمامُ رُبَى نجْدٍ وحيّاها
فالرّكْبُ لا يهْتَدي إلا بريّاها

2. None of their guides went astray but it guided them to it
Breezes perfumed the surroundings with its fragrance

٢. ما ضلّ حاديهمُ إلا هدَتْهُ لَها
نَواسِمٌ عطّر الأرْجاءَ مسْراها

3. Its youth blew with its first rain, bringing good news
So every heart was filled with passion at the mention of it

٣. هبّتْ صَباها بلقْياها مُبَشِّرةً
فكُلُّ قلْبٍ صَبا وجْداً لذِكْراها

4. It was a memory they turned aside for atop their mounts, so
None turned aside with them but its greetings

٤. ذِكْرى لها انْعَطَفوا فوقَ الرّحالِ فما
مالَتْ بأعْطافِهِمْ إلا مُحيّاها

5. Hearts find peace in its proximity and obey
Its passion from afar is their complaint

٥. للهِ أفئِدة في القُرْبِ راحَتُها
للوَجْدِ طاعَتُها بالبُعْدِ شَكْواها

6. Many a charmer has seduced me with her glances
I'd not have known the meaning of love were it not for her

٦. ورُبَّ ساحِرةِ الألْحاظِ فاتِنةٍ
ما كُنتْ أعرِفُ معْنى الحُبّ لوْلاها

7. When she smiles and flashes her beauty
Nothing is more just than her stature and slimness

٧. لمّا انْثَنَتْ وثَنَتْ عنّا محاسِنَها
ما كان أعْدَلَها قَدّاً وأعْداها

8. Whoever contemplates her with discerning eyes will see her
And in his dreams will speak to her imaginatively

٨. مَنْ هامَ فيها بعيْنِ الفِكْرِ أبْصَرَها
وفي الكَرى زارَها والوهْم ناجاها

9. These are the covenants of those whose hearts are consumed by her
By God, we have covenants with her that we've grown used to

٩. هَذي معاهِدُ مَنْ هامَ الفؤادُ بِها
للهِ فيها عُهودٌ قد ألِفْناها

10. We speak as youths, so O breeze of youth convey to her
But do not respond, for the breezes only brought what we recognized

١٠. إنّا لنُلْقي حَديثاً من صَبابَتِنا
فَيا نسيمَ الصَّبا بلِّغْهُ إيّاها

11. The dawn was delightful only from its horizons
And its breezes delicate only from its greetings

١١. ولا تُجِبْ بكلامٍ فالنّواسِمُ ما
هبّتْ على ربْعِها إلا عرَفْناها

12. For flowers is its splendor, for flowers its fragrance
For the moon its rising, for sorcery its illusion

١٢. ما راقَ إلا بمرْآها الصّباحُ ولا
رقّتْ نواسِمُهُ إلا برَيّاها

13. For pearls its words, for lightning its smile
For branches its inclination, for gazelles her eyes

١٣. للزُّهْرِ بهْجَتُها للزَّهْرِ نفْحَتُها
للبَدْرِ طَلعَتُها للسِّحْرِ مرْآها

14. The full moon rose only from its horizon
And dawn was known only from its greetings

١٤. للدُرِّ ألفاظُها للبرقِ مَبْسِمُها
للغُصْنِ معطِفُها للظّبيِ عيْناها

15. If only, when it reveals the dawn of its charm,
It would guide its youths, for they are lost in the night of passion,

١٥. لمْ يُرْقبِ البدْرُ إلا من مطالِعِها
لمْ يُعْرَفِ الفجْرُ إلا من مُحيّاها

16. A critic blames me for spending the night anxious,
Questioning the meteors about Layla and her gathering

١٦. فَليْتَها حينَ تُبْدي صُبْحَ غُرَّتِها
تهْدي فتاها فَفي ليْلِ الهَوى تاها

17. He said "What business have you with the meteors you watch for?"
I said "In them I see a semblance of her likeness"

١٧. وعاذِلٍ راعَني أنْ بتُّ ذا قلَقٍ
أُسائِلُ الشُهْبَ عن ليْلى وأرْعاها

18. He said "You've been ruined by the sorrow of parting from her"
I said "If it ruined me, then such is its abode"

١٨. فقال ما لَكَ والشُهْبانَ ترْقُبُها
فقلتُ فيهنَّ منها خِلتُ أشباها

19. He said "What business have you with ruins you lament?"
I said "I intended by their tunes to give meaning to them"

١٩. فقال قد أتلَفَتْ منكَ الفؤادَ أسىً
فقلتُ إن أتْلَفَتْهُ فهْو مثْواها

20. He said "You've been tempted after long avoidance of her"
I said "Only her ways tempted me"

٢٠. فقال ما لَكَ والأطْلالَ تَنْشُدُها
فقلتُ هِمتُ بمغْناها لمَعْناها

21. He said "Do you have no sweeter bliss and tryst?"
I said "Let be, you have removed its furthest aim"

٢١. فقال قد هِمْتَ منْ بعْد السُلوّ بها
فقلت لمْ تَثْنِني إلا ثَناياها

22. He said "A maiden will make you forget her rapture"
I said "Wait, I'll not forget her"

٢٢. فقال هلْ لكَ في أحْلى سنىً وحُلاً
فقلتُ دعْ غايَةً أبْعَدتَ مَرْماها

23. He said "Another beauty has come of age"
I said "How much the thirsty need her drink!"

٢٣. فقال لي غادةٌ تُنْسيكَ بهجَتَها
فقلتُ مهلاً فإني لستُ أنساها

24. He said "She was gifted to you by one whose likeness is mighty"
I said "God is the guide through whom she was guided"

٢٤. فقال غاديةٌ للفِكْرِ قد نشأتْ
فقلتُ ما أحْوجَ الظّامي لسُقْياها

25. He said "From his sea he cast to her pearls"
I said "He perfected her construction and manifested her"

٢٥. فقال أهْداكَها مَن عزَّ مُشْبِهُهُ
فقلتُ للهِ هادٍ منْهُ أهْداها

26. He said "My covenant with refinement is worn out"
I said "The son of Hatim is her intimate friend"

٢٦. فقال منْ بحْرِهِ ألْقى بها دُرَراً
فقلْتُ أبْدَعَها نظْماً وأبْداها

27. He said "Refinement had been suspended"
I said "He is the one whose sorcery adorned it"

٢٧. فقال عهْديَ بالآدابِ قد تلِفَتْ
قُلْتُ ابْنُ حاتِمٍ الأرْضَى تَلافاها

28. Just so, how many treasures are in the wing of night!
And Ibn Jala came not but to prepare it

٢٨. فقالَ قدْ كانتِ الآدابُ عاطِلَةً
فقلْتُ هذا الذي بالسّحْرِ حَلّاها

29. These are rhymed prose for the ear of nobility
Leading to the speech of Ulya that I constructed

٢٩. كذاك جِنْحُ الدُجَى كمْ فيهِ من سُدَفٍ
وما أتى ابْنُ جَلا إلا وجَلّاها

30. I say: O rider of the saddled camel, where will you hide
Seeking from hopes their furthest extent?

٣٠. هَذي قوافٍ على أسِّ النّسيبِ إلى
خِطاب عُلْياك قد شيّدْتُ مَبْناها

31. If you love the highest refinement
In rank, state, and companions

٣١. أقول يا راكِبَ الوجْناءِ أينَ بِها
تَخُبُّ تبغي من الآمالِ أقصاها

32. Aim for the abode of Ibn Hatim's love
You will attain its sweetest rose and sweet basil

٣٢. إنْ كنتَ تهْوى منَ الآدابِ أرْفَعَها
قدْراً وأحْفَلَها حالاً وأحْفاها

33. Those who live for its blossoms when it blooms
Will find Zuhair's rhymes and pleasures

٣٣. يمّمْ على ظمأٍ مَثْوى ابْن حاتِمِها
تفُزْ بأعْذَبِها ورْداً وأحْلاها

34. Ask its heights and you will attain its ready pools
Surely gallantry is but some of its traits

٣٤. مَنْ يعْشُ للزُّهْرِ منْها حينَ يُطْلِعُها
يجِدْ زُهَيْرَ قَوافيها وأعْشاها

35. These caravans come for its rhymes, the sweetest
In eloquence, loveliness, and clarity

٣٥. واسْألْ عُلاها تُنِلْ كفّيْكَ نائِلها
إنّ المكارِمَ بعضٌ مَن سَجاياها

36. Their riders set out from it, and it came
To pastures of its gifts, mounts of its gifts

٣٦. هَذي القوافلُ تأتيها لتَظْفرَ منْ
تلك القَوافي بأحْلاها وأجْلاها

37. Revealing beauty and granting us beauty, so none
More deserving of sublime truth and loftiness

٣٧. ركابُهُمْ صدرَتْ عنْها وقد وردَتْ
مَوارِداً منْ عَطاياها مَطاياها

38. Take it, Abu Qasim, a beauty matchless
But one whose palm her beauty made worthy

٣٨. تُبْدي الجَمالَ وتُولينا الجَميلَ فما
أحقَّها بالعُلَى حقّاً وأوْلاها

39. Revealing an answer, though we're melting with love
Were it not for the wellspring of courtesy that sustained us

٣٩. خُذْها أبا قاسِمٍ حَسْناءَ ليس لَها
كُفْؤٌ سِوى مَن أرَتْ كفّاهُ حُسْناها

40. Overlook generously, for the excuse is clearer than
The fire of tent poles the companions follow for their rapture

٤٠. تُبْدي الجوابَ وقد كِدنا نَذوبُ جَوىً
لوْلا مَوارِدُ آدابٍ ورَدْناها

41. Praise is but words, and none reached the hearing
Unless you were their meaning

٤١. ولْتَصْفَحَن كَرماً فالعُذْرُ أوضحُ منْ
نارِ القرَى يهْتدي السّاري لمغْناها

42. And praising our lord and serving him
Could preoccupy thought, unless you undertake it

٤٢. إنّ المحامِدَ ألْفاظٌ وما ورَدتْ
على المَسامِعِ إلا كُنتَ مَعْناها

43. How could each moment not undertake
What earns the loyal money and status?

٤٣. وإنّ أمْداحَ مَولانا وخدْمتَهُ
قد تشْغل الفِكْرَ إلا إن تَعاطاها

44. The defender of the faith, his virtues are probed,
And none surpasses his rank in highness

٤٤. وكيفَ لا يتعاطَى كُلَّ آوِنةٍ
ما يُكْسِبُ المُنْجِدَيْنِ المالَ والجاها

45. The sweetest guiding king, the most generous
In dew, the highest in rank and loftiness

٤٥. فناصِرُ الدّين تُسْتجْلَى مناقِبُه
وليسَ يُفْرَعُ في العَلياءِ مرْقاها

46. Thus I fell short of answering the poetry
Whose excellence the excellent poet adorned with his splendor

٤٦. أحْلى مُلوكِ الوَرى هدْياً وأكْثَرُها
ندىً وأرْفَعُها قَدْراً وأعْلاها

47. For his beauty and kindness, how much
Fine favor its intent the most noble!

٤٧. لِذاك قصّرتُ عن ردّ الجوابِ على
شِعْرٍ سَناهُ سنَى الشّعْرَى بهِ باهَى

48. May its composer continue to attain
The highest ranks, their marks and qualities

٤٨. للحُسْنِ منهُ وللإحسانِ كمْ مِنَحٍ
مُسْتَحْسَنٍ قصْدُها الأرضَى ومَنْحاها

49. And remain guiding people with his guidance, so
Long life, we beseech God for him

٤٩. لازالَ ناظِمُهُ حتّى يُبَلَّغَ مِن
مراتِبِ العِزِّ أسماها وأسْناها

٥٠. ودامَ يَهدِي بما يُهْدي الأنامَ فَفي
طولِ البَقاءِ لهُ نسْتَوْهِبُ اللّهَ