1. Congratulations, here are the hopes that have been fulfilled by their success,
Its glad tidings shone with the rays of its dawn,
١. هَنيئاً هيَ الآمالُ حيّتْ بنُجْحِها
بَشائِرُها لاحَتْ أشِعّةُ صُبْحِها
2. Otherwise why has the galaxy become illuminated,
The flowers of flowers bloom in the meadow of its wing,
٢. وإلا فما بالُ المجرّةِ قد غدَتْ
تَفَتَّحُ زَهْرُ الزُّهْرِ في روضِ جُنْحِها
3. And why have the birds of Yemen cooed at dawn,
And the melodies echoed beautifully over the treetops,
٣. وما لطُيورِ اليُمْنِ قد سنَحَتْ ضُحىً
وراقَ على الأفْنانِ ترْديدُ صَدْحِها
4. And why has the gentle breeze been ignited as if
It is hovering over the tents and their peaks,
٤. وما للنّسيمِ اللّدْنِ يُذْكى كأنّهُ
يُخيّمُ في بانِ الخِيامِ وطَلْحِها
5. That is only because a brilliant light has shone,
Its features make the full moons shy with its glance,
٥. وما ذاكَ إلا أن تطلّعَ نيّرٌ
ملامِحُهُ تبْأى البُدورُ بلمْحِها
6. It has stirred the regions when it came to them,
For the purpose of beautifying its people and securing their pasture,
٦. أثارَتْ بهِ الأقْطارُ لمّا غَدا بها
لتأميلِ أهْليها وتأمين سرْحِها
7. So the light of guidance did not disappear when it appeared,
And the fire of battles did not die down after its kindling,
٧. فنورُ الهُدَى لم يحتَجِبْ عندَما بَدا
ونارُ القِرى لم تَخْبُ منْ بعْدِ قدْحِها
8. It is as if it raises the landmarks of dew,
Its generosity states the elevation of its pavilion,
٨. كأنّي بهِ يُعْلي مَعالمَ للنّدى
تُصرِّحُ جدْواهُ بإعْلاءِ صرْحِها
9. It is as if its palm is a cloud,
That gives generously when time is stingy with its gifts,
٩. كأني به والكفُّ منهُ غَمامةٌ
تَجودُ لدى منْعِ الزّمانِ بمنْحِها
10. It is as if its palm satisfies the enemies,
And the gallant's sword has clasped its forgiveness,
١٠. كأنّي به تكْفي الأعاديَ كفُّهُ
وقد صافَحَ الأبطالَ مرْهَفُ صفْحِها
11. It is as if it terrifies the Romans with its might,
And the fire of turmoil casts its flaming sparks,
١١. كأني به والرومُ ترْهَبُ بَطْشَهُ
ونارُ الوَغى ترْمي بمَشْبوبِ لَفْحِها
12. And it has settled graciously in your citadels,
The good deed guarantees their opening,
١٢. وقد حلّ منْها في رِضاكَ مَعاقِلاً
كفيلٌ لها الصّنْعُ الجميلُ بفتْحِها
13. The steeds circle around it as if they have become
A flock of ostriches brought together for its pasture,
١٣. تَدور بها غُرُّ الجِيادِ كأنّما
غدَتْ سِرْبَ أرْآمٍ تَهادَتْ لسَرْحِها
14. So its ranks were not adorned with horses,
Rather it is beautiful but pale due to its donation,
١٤. فَما زُهيَتْ بالخيْلِ راقَتْ صُفوفُها
ولكنّها حسْناءُ باهَتْ بوُشْحِها
15. And how much clemency you have that allows their blood,
To water the surface of the earth from its pouring,
١٥. وكم لكَ من صفْحٍ يُبيحُ دماءَهُمْ
يُروّي أديمَ الأرضِ منْهلُّ سَفْحِها
16. It is as if the Indian swords are rivers of kindness,
Prepared for the souls of the enemies for its swimming,
١٦. كأنّ سُيوفَ الهِندِ أنهارُ دوْحةٍ
تُهَيّأُ أرواحُ العُداةِ لسَبْحِها
17. The fires of wars did not ignite, but rather
Its streams bubbled from the agitation of its joy,
١٧. وما نقَعَتْ نارَ الحُروبِ وإنّما
جداوِلُها شبّتْ لواعِجَ بَرْحِها
18. When the battlefield blushed over its soil,
It depicted the cheek of the innocent virgin beneath its drizzle,
١٨. إذا ما النّجيعُ احْمرّ فوقَ فِرِندها
حكى وجْنةَ العذْراءِ من تحت رَشْحِها
19. So it does not desire but the dew of Yusuf's palm,
The Imam of the most generous kings and his clemency,
١٩. فما ترْتَجي إلا نَدى كفّ يوسُفٍ
إمامِ المُلوكِ الأكْرَمينَ وسمْحِها
20. By it there is a Nasiri comfort,
The angels have become accustomed to its forgiveness,
٢٠. فللهِ منْها راحةٌ ناصريّةٌ
تعوّدَتِ الأملاكُ عادةَ صفْحِها
21. My Lord, O you whose palm God has granted
The highest proofs of guidance and its most correct,
٢١. أموْلايَ يا مَنْ قد حَبا اللهُ كفَّهُ
بأعْلى أسانيدِ النّدى وأصَحّها
22. The melodies of my thoughts spread praises,
The horizons are fragrant from the scent of its breath,
٢٢. نَواسِمُ أفكاري تُذيعُ مدائِحاً
تعطّرتِ الأرجاءُ من طيبِ نفْحِها
23. So these rhymes of poetry, I have ripened their roses,
And whoever desires them, they have been stingy to him with their dripping,
٢٣. فهَذي قَوافي الشّعْرِ أعْذَبْتُ وِرْدَها
ومَن رامَها ضنّتْ عليهِ بنَضْحِها
24. They have seen with the meanings of the kingdom when they roamed through it,
Meanings that the eloquent cannot describe,
٢٤. رأتْ بمَغاني المُلْكِ إذ سرحَتْ بها
مغانيَ لا يأتي البليغُ بشرْحِها
25. So it crafted from the eloquent prose a necklace,
And the Lord of the people listens closely to its praise,
٢٥. فصاغَتْ من النظْمِ البليغِ قِلادةً
وموْلَى الوَرى يُصْغي استِماعاً لمدْحِها
26. And the necklaces have learned that they
Are necklaces whose beauty is the beauty of its opening,
٢٦. وقد علِمَتْ منْها القلائدُ أنّها
قلائِدُ حَلّى حُسْنُها جيدَ فتْحِها
27. So you were given the glad tidings of all
That the days hope for from the success of its kindling,
٢٧. فهُنِّئْتَها بُشْرى تعودُ بكُلِّ ما
تؤمّلُهُ الأيامُ من فوْزِ قِدْحِها