
Victory has brought its steeds to you,

هو النصر قد أجرى لديك جياده

1. Victory has brought its steeds to you,
And conquest has entrusted you with its reins.

١. هو النّصرُ قد أجرَى لديْكَ جِيادَهُ
هوَ الفتْحُ قد ألْقى إليْكَ قِيادَهُ

2. This is the first of the clear conquests,
Through which time brought glory closer to you.

٢. أما هذه بكْرُ الفُتوحِ التي بها
أتى الدهْرُ يُدْني العزّ منكَ بِعادَهُ

3. This is an eternal mercy in creation,
Through which God revived existence and was generous to it.

٣. أما هذِه في الخَلْقِ ديمَةُ رحْمَةٍ
بها اللهُ قد حيّا الوُجودَ وجادَهُ

4. It is the lofty rock to which guidance came,
So its inhabited area spread and its valleys overflowed.

٤. هي الصّخرةُ الشّمّاءُ قد حلّها الهدى
فعمّ رُبَى مَعْمورِها ووِهادَهُ

5. Its chant was purified of polytheism and turned away,
As monotheism plotted against those who opposed it through it.

٥. وطُهِّرَ مغْناها من الشّركِ وانثَنى
يكيدُ بها التوحيدُ من كان كادَهُ

6. Your sword is God's sword, when it settled its place,
It permitted the killing of enemies and destroyed them.

٦. وسيْفُكَ سيْفُ اللهِ إذ حلّ ربْعَها
أباحَ به جمْعَ العِدَى وأبادَهُ

7. Your soldiers are God's soldiers, they marched,
Knocking down their shields or shaking their edges.

٧. وجُنْدُكَ جُنْدُ اللهِ قدْ جال جوْلةً
يَسُلُّ ظُباهُ أو يهُزُّ صِعادَهُ

8. So every brave warrior takes down every steadfast one,
Who stands his ground in the field of battles.

٨. فكُلّ كَميٍّ هزّ كُلَّ مُقَوَّمٍ
يُقيمُ بمَيْدانِ الحُروبِ طِرادَهُ

9. The gatherings of disbelief flowed over its plains,
But did not reach its fresh pure waters.

٩. وسالَ نجيعُ الكُفْر فوْقَ بِطاحِها
فلمْ يوردِ العذْبَ الزلالَ وِرادَهُ

10. The throngs of Muslims returned to its lands,
Scattering the groups of aggressors.

١٠. وعادَتْ جُموعُ المسلِمينَ برَبْعِها
تفرِّقُ جمْعَ المُعْتَدي واحْتِشادَهُ

11. The protected ones and Islam in it are as if
It has embraced them into its heart.

١١. معاهِدُ والإسلامُ فيها كأنّها
وقد حلّها جسْمٌ يضمُّ فؤادَهُ

12. Through it God humiliated the cross and its partisans,
And honored His worshippers through the victorious patron.

١٢. أذلّ بها اللهُ الصّليبَ وحِزْبَه
وبالنّاصرِ المَوْلَى أعزّ عِبادَهُ

13. He unsheathed the sword of victory casting
Its strap upon the shoulder of the magnificent patron.

١٣. وجرّدَ سيفَ النّصرِ في الروع مُلقياً
على عاتِقِ الموْلَى الهُمامِ نجادَهُ

14. So the guardian of disbelief feigned perseverance,
Until he showed him his war and punishment.

١٤. فكان وليُّ الكُفْرِ يُبْدي تجلُّداً
إلى أن أراهُ حرْبَهُ وجِلادَهُ

15. The supporter of God's religion through God revealing
His complete reliance upon God in all matters.

١٥. وناصرُ دين اللهِ في الله مُظْهِرٌ
على الله في كُلِّ الأمورِ اعتِمادَهُ

16. Whenever the tribulation of the Romans weakened,
He saw the Yusuf-like position strengthen his strife.

١٦. وإنّ إفَنتَ الرّومِ يجهَدُ كلّما
أراهُ المقامُ اليوسُفِيُّ جِهادَهُ

17. The guardian of polytheism came obediently,
Led by desire to humiliation and it led him.

١٧. وكان وليّ الشِّركِ وافَى مُطاوِعاً
هوىً ساقَهُ نحوَ الهَوانِ وقادَهُ

18. He won it willingly and settled around its horizons,
Cast down to it his provisions and equipment.

١٨. ففازَ بها طوْعاً وحلّ بأفْقِها
وألْقَى لديْها ذُخْرَهُ وعَتادَهُ

19. He went to his homelands victorious over it,
Not to others hoping for his return to it.

١٩. وسارَ إلى أوطانِهِ وهْوَ ظافِرٌ
لها لا إلى الأخْرى يُرجّي مَعادَهُ

20. Now he claims he will come to it,
God wills and refuses except His will be done.

٢٠. وكان إليها الآن يأتي بزَعْمِهِ
يريدُ ويأبَى اللهُ إلا مُرادَهُ

21. Tomorrow waging jihad, having been roused by determination's shout,
Hoping in it for his bouquet and wish.

٢١. غَدا جاهِداً قد شفّهُ لاعِجُ الصّدى
يؤمِّلُ فيها ورْدَهُ ومَرادَهُ

22. Leading to it the army of misguidance, intending,
But destiny blocked him from it and fended him off.

٢٢. يقودُ لها جيشَ الضّلالَة قاصِداً
فحلَّأهُ المِقْدارُ عنْها وذادَهُ

23. Until the patron of caliphs, Yusuf, came
And was resolute, showed his resolve, and repelled him.

٢٣. إلى أنْ أتى مَوْلى الخلائِفِ يوسُفٌ
فجَدّ وأبْدى عزْمَهُ وأعادَهُ

24. He took upon himself the burdens of the caliphate,
Showing resolve, determination, and turned him back.

٢٤. وقام بأعْباء الخِلافةِ مُظْهِراً
فجَدّ وأبْدى عزْمَهُ وأعادَهُ

25. The enemy of religion was thus terrified,
So that the fluttering banners shook his heart.

٢٥. لذاكَ عدوُّ الدّينِ رُوِّعَ سِرْبُهُ
بحيْثُ حَكى خَفْقُ البُنودِ فُؤادَهُ

26. It was as if the effort of the guardian of disbelief failed,
And he stopped meeting his aggression and obstinacy.

٢٦. كأن بوَليِّ الكُفْرِ قد خابَ سعْيُهُ
وكفَّ التّلاقِي بَغيَهُ وعِنادَهُ

27. It was as if he marched away with the sword behind him,
Leaving the land of evident conquest and his home.

٢٧. كأنّي به قد سارَ والسّيفُ خَلفَهُ
وخلّفَ للفَتْحِ المُبينِ بِلادَهُ

28. He took nothing but flight as protection,
He prepared nothing but disgrace as his provision.

٢٨. ولم يتخِذْ إلا الفِرارَ وقايَةً
ولمْ يدّخِرْ إلا المذلَّةَ زادَهُ

29. O supporter of Islam, O king who
Showed us the features of perfection in isolation.

٢٩. فيا ناصِرَ الإسْلامِ والمَلكَ الذي
أرانا بأشْتاتِ الكَمالِ انْفِرادَهُ

30. Congratulations on a beautiful deed,
Through which glorious victory raced its steeds.

٣٠. هَنيئاً به صُنْعاً جميلاً لديكَ قد
أجالَ به النصْرُ العزيزُ جَوادَهُ

31. You were congratulated a thousand times,
For your glory requires the group to unite after disunity.

٣١. وهُنِّئْتَ ألفاً منهُ فالحالُ تقتَضي
بعزِّكَ أنّ الجمْعَ يتْلو اتّحادَهُ

32. Take it as eloquence never ceases
To make the eloquent word fall short of what he intended.

٣٢. وخذها على أنّ البديهَة لم تزَلْ
ترُدُّ البَليغَ اللفْظِ عما أرادَهُ

33. And the attributes of our Master Caliph Yusuf
Make the hardened weep wherever he found his support.

٣٣. وأوْصافُ مولانا الخليفَةِ يوسُفٍ
تُبكّتُ قُسّاً حيثُ لاقَى إيادَهُ

34. So your era continues to be honest, O my Master,
Bestowing generously so the destitute seek its support.

٣٤. فلازالَ يا مَوْلايَ عهدُكَ سافِراً
يجودُ فتَسْتَجْدي العُفاةُ عِهادَهُ
