
By my father's life, a candle has described

ألا بأبي شمعة قد حكت

1. By my father's life, a candle has described
The years of the sun when it shone in its orbits

١. ألا بأبي شمعةٌ قد حكتْ
سَنا الشمْسِ لاحَتْ بأفْلاكِها

2. Like a cheek from which its pearls were scattered
When the string was broken from its necklace

٢. كَخَودٍ تناثَرَ منْ عِقْدِها
لآلِئُ في جِنْحِ أحْلاكِها

3. And it has raised the train of its gown
To pick up the gems of its anklets

٣. وقدْ رفَعَتْ فضْلَ أذْيالِها
لتلْقُطَ جوْهَرَ أسْلاكِها