
Does the horizon in its rising seem to blossom,

هل الأفق تبدو في مطالعه الزهر

1. Does the horizon in its rising seem to blossom,
Or is it the meadow in its expanse the blossoms opened?

١. هلِ الأفْقُ تبْدو في مَطالِعِه الزُّهْرُ
أمِ الرّوضُ في أدْواحِهِ فُتِّحَ الزّهْرُ

2. Or is it my portrayal, when her charms appeared,
Arranged like pearls are strung in a necklace?

٢. أمِ الوَصْفُ منّي حيثُ لاحَتْ مَحاسِني
تُنظَّمُ عِقْداً مثلَما يُنظَمُ الدُّرُّ

3. No charm but owes its being to my portrayal,
No portrayal but finds in her charm its fame.

٣. فلا حُسْنَ إلا ما لوَصْفيَ يَنتَمي
ولا وصْفَ إلا ما بحُسْني له ذِكْرُ

4. And the sorcery attributed to Harut is not
In truth, for her charm is the sorcery assigned to Babylon.

٤. وما السّحْرُ عن هاروتَ يُروَى حقيقةً
فحُسْني الذي يُعْزَى لِبابلِه السِّحْرُ

5. Now you have seen me and tried me out,
And verified my portrayal, truths are verified.

٥. إذا أنتَ قد شاهَدتني واخْتَبَرْتَني
وحقّقتَ وصْفي صدّقَ الخبَرَ الخُبْرُ

6. For the Joseph-like beauty is in reality
In Granada - leave what Egypt contained before!

٦. لأن الجَمالَ اليوسُفيَّ حقيقةً
بغَرناطةٍ دعْ ما حَوَتْ قبلَهُ مِصْرُ

7. And the creator of my form is Nasir al-Din Yusuf,
So may he enjoy support, glory and triumph!

٧. ومُبدِعُ شكلي ناصرُ الدّين يوسُفٌ
فدامَ لهُ التأييدُ والعِزُّ والنّصْرُ

8. A mask as though the horizon displayed its clouds
As tents, which he adorned with its lightning flash.

٨. قِناعٌ كأنّ الأفْقَ أبْدَى سحابَهُ
جَهاماً فحلّاها ببارِقِه التّبْرُ

9. A ray from it gleams over its whiteness,
So from its clouds a garment, from its lightning blossom.

٩. يَروقُ شُعاعٌ منهُ فوقَ بياضِهِ
فمِن سُحْبِهِ ثوبٌ ومِنْ تِبْرِه زُهْرُ

10. As the sun's light shone in the sheen of dawn
And threaded the Pleiades in their setting at dawn.

١٠. كما لاحَ نورُ الشّمسِ في روْنَقِ الضُحى
وساقَ الثريّا في مُلاءَتِهِ الفجْرُ