
With a veil finer than his face

أحسن به من قناع

1. With a veil finer than his face
Whose beauty outshines all eyes,

١. أحْسِنْ بهِ من قِناعٍ
راقَ العُيونَ جَمالا

2. His cheek holds a full moon
That exceeds all full moons in perfection.

٢. حَوَى منَ الوجْهِ بدْراً
فاقَ البدورَ كَمالا

3. He displays over every type
Hearts that yearn for inclusion,

٣. أبْدَى علَى كُلّ نوْعٍ
تهْوَى القُلوبُ اشْتِمالا

4. So I made him the epitome
Of the horses of beauty galloping.

٤. فصيّرتهُ اخْتيالاً
خيْلُ الجمالِ مَجالا

5. From pure innocence his traits
Are too sublime to attain,

٥. من خالِصِ التّبْرِ جلّتْ
صِفاتُه أنْ تُنالا

6. The sun of the noble inscribed him
In color, beauty, and state.

٦. شمْسُ الأصيلِ حكَتْهُ
لوْناً وحُسْناً وحالا

7. From Nasir al-Din it tells
Of virtues and fine qualities,

٧. مِن ناصرِ الدّينِ يحْكي
مَناقباً وخِلالا

8. So generosity has extended from him
Shadows over existence.

٨. فالجودُ قدْ مدّ منهُ
على الوُجودِ ظِلالا