1. If only union with him would become permitted
As separation from him has become inevitable
١. هَلا غَدا وصْلُهُ مُباحا
كَما غَدا هجْرُهُ مُتاحا
2. I showed the darkness of his separation, so why not
The dawn of his union shine through
٢. أُبْدي دُجى هجْرِهِ فَهلا
يُطْلِعُ من وصْلِهِ صَباحا
3. My heart pined for the beautiful gazelle
Whose glances resemble the first light of day
٣. هامَ فُؤادي بظَبْي إنْسٍ
ألْحاظُهُ تُشْبِهُ الصِّفاحا
4. A gazelle with sick eyes
But they make the healthy hearts sick
٤. ظبْيٌ لهُ أعْيُنٌ مراضٌ
لكنّها تُمْرِضُ الصِّحاحا
5. His glance unleashed swords
And his stature launched spears
٥. قد سلَّ من لحظِه سُيوفاً
وهزّ منْ قدِّه رِماحا
6. How many eyes lay in wait for him
And bargained at length for him
٦. كمْ رصَدَتْهُ العُيونُ منّا
وكمْ أطالَتْ لهُ التِماحا
7. His darkness allures us, and at dawn
His darkness forbids our rest
٧. يمْنَحُنا ظُلْمَهُ ويغْدو
يمنَعُنا ظَلْمَهُ القَراحا
8. If only whenever he appeared
My heart would fly to him in comfort
٨. مَن لي بهِ كلّما تبدّى
طارَ فؤادي لهُ ارْتِياحا
9. I'm accustomed to passion, so from me
Flow authentic tales of it
٩. لقدْ ألِفْتُ الهَوى فعنّي
تُرْوَى أحاديثُهُ صِحاحا
10. I plunged into the sea of passion, but
He who dares to cross the seas will crash
١٠. وخُضتُ بحْرَ الهوى ولكِنْ
مَن رامَ خوْضَ البحارِ طاحا
11. I lost myself in his beauty, so why not
Lower my wings in love for him
١١. وهِمْتُ في حُسْنِهِ فلِمْ لا
أخْفِضُ في حُبِّهِ الجَناحا
12. And if I remember my melting passion
It's as if I'd drunk clear wine
١٢. وإن تذكّرتُ مِلْتُ وجْداً
كأنّني قد شرِبْتُ راحا
13. I shun the words of every critic
Who tries my patience
١٣. وكُلُّ واشٍ يَرومُ صَبْري
جنّبتُ أقوالَهُ اطّراحا
14. Who can be patient, when in his love
Patience itself is violated
١٤. مَن لي بصَبْرٍ وفي هَواهُ
غَدا حِمَى الصّبْرِ مُسْتَباحا
15. I concealed my love, but my tears
Couldn't conceal it, and betrayed me
١٥. كَتمتُ حُبّي ودمْعُ عَيني
لمْ يسْتَطِعْ كتْمَهُ فَباحا
16. If only my heart would one day attain
Rest from passion for him
١٦. فلَيْتَ قَلْبي ينالُ يوماً
بوصْلِهِ في الهَوى مُستراحَا