1. I am the servant of my master the Caliph Yusuf
With him I have a formal relationship that is sound and sufficient
١. أنا عبْدُ مَوْلايَ الخليفَة يوسُفِ
خبرٌ به رسْمي يصحُّ ويكْتفي
2. This is the honor that I have attained
And with it I have risen to the most noble position
٢. هذا هو العزّ الذي أحْرَزْتُهُ
وبه رَقَيْتُ إلى المحلِّ الأشرَفِ
3. Were it not for a cloud that came to me from his generosity
The oppression of events would not have been fair
٣. لوْلا سَحابٌ جاءَني من جودِه
ما كان رَيْبُ الحادِثاتِ بمنصِفِ
4. I hope for nothing but his calls to provide for me
Without him time would not have been favorable
٤. لا أرْتَجي إلا نَداهُ فَرِفْدُهُ
لوْلاهُ ما كان الزّمانُ بمُسْعِفِ
5. My master, I am the servant of your blessing
Which has sufficed for my religion, so every dilemma was remedied
٥. موْلايَ إنّي عبْدُ نعْمَتِكَ التي
وكَفَتْ لديْهِ فكُلُّ مُعضلةٍ كُفِي
6. And I have a newborn who is usually hoped for
You have accustomed him to beseech the hopeful
٦. ولديّ مولودٌ يُرجّى عادةً
عوّدتَها لمؤمِّلٍ مُسْتَعطِفِ
7. Sign for your servant with his name, for the intention is
That blessings be renewed with the writing of letters
٧. وقّعْ لعبدِكَ باسمِهِ فالقَصْدُ أنْ
تتجدّد النُعْمى بكتْبِ الأحْرُفِ
8. I seek no request but this which
Is my honor, care, and ennoblement
٨. لا أقتَضي طلَباً سوى هذا الذي
هوَ عزّتي وعِنايتي وتشرُّفي
9. I hope for no promotion, for how many a blessing
You have conferred with kindness and favor
٩. لا أرتجي عَرَضاً فكمْ من نعمةٍ
أوْلَيْتَها بتلطُّفٍ وتعطُّفِ
10. I seek no profit, for how many a purpose
You have facilitated before the request could be expressed
١٠. لا أبتَغي أرَباً فكم من مقصَدٍ
أسْعَفْتَ من قبل السّؤالِ المُعْتَفي
11. And whenever I remain, and the blessing of the Master on
His subject, with one I cannot be satisfied
١١. ومتى بقيتُ ونعمةُ الموْلى على
مملوكِهِ فبواحِدٍ لا أكْتَفي
12. But with a second after him, and with a third
For both of them on par without stopping
١٢. لكنْ بثانٍ بعدَهُ وبثالِثٍ
لهُما على نسَقٍ بغيْرِ توقّفِ
13. This goes on, so what availed wealth
Suffices with the prayers of your servant or his returns
١٣. هذا يطولُ فأيُّ مالٍ طائِلٍ
بصِلاتِ عبدِكَ أو عوائِدِه يَفي
14. Return with his name, grieving from his prevention
He will be healed by what you have given him and be satisfied
١٤. عُد باسْمِهِ متألّماً من منْعِهِ
يُشْفى بما منهُ منَحْتَ ويكْتَفي
15. What is his fault if his brothers rebuked him
Or boasted of prestige he who did not have it
١٥. ما عُذْرُه إنْ عابَه إخوانُهُ
أو فاخَروا بالعُرْفِ مَنْ لم يُعْرفِ