1. A girl with a charming gait like magic at dawn
And the night has love for the morn it adorned
١. فتاةٌ برَبْعي رَحْلُها سَحَراً حُطّا
وللّيْلِ فَوْدٌ بالصّباحِ قدِ اشْمَطّا
2. If I brought her the full moon as a crowned diadem
With a pearl necklace or earrings of gold
٢. فلوْ جِئْتُها بالبَدْرِ تاجاً مُكَلَّلاً
بِدُرِّ الدّرارِي أو بجَوْزائِهِ قُرْطا
3. And gifted her lightning's glow made of gold
And strung together a necklace of star flowers
٣. وأهْديْتُها وُشْحاً منَ البَرقِ مُذْهَباً
ونظّمْتُ من زُهْرِ النّجومِ لها سِمْطا
4. Though I had fulfilled some of her rights
It wouldn't be justice what I gave, nor equal
٤. لَما كنتُ قدْ وفّيتُ بعضَ حُقوقِها
ولا كان عدْلاً ما وهَبْتُ ولا قِسْطا
5. Her father in poetry is most eminent
If composed as a necklace, he'd be its center
٥. وإنّ أباها في ذَوي النّظمِ أوْحَدٌ
فلوْ نُظِموا عِقْداً لكانَ لهُ وُسْطَى
6. If time was just, its guide her eminent father
And days compensated what they took away
٦. ولو أنصَفَ الدّهْرُ الأبيُّ قِيادُهُ
وعوّضَتِ الأيامُ من قَبضِها بَسْطا
7. If merits raised his worth to highest ranks
He wouldn't have fallen from the highest place
٧. ورامَتْ بالاسْتِحْقاقِ إعْلاءَ قدْرِه
لما كان عن أعْلى المراتِبِ مُنْحَطّا
8. These virgin ideas of his that shone through
The stars weren't good enough company for them
٨. أما هذهِ أبْكارُ أفكارِه التي
تجلّتْ فلمْ ترْضَ النجومَ لها رَهْطا
9. The sea of his words aspired to the full moon's light
And planets visited him thinking it a shore
٩. ترامَتْ بدُرّ اللفْظِ أبْحُرُ فِكْرِهِ
وحلّتْ لدَيْهِ الطّرْسَ تحسِبُهُ شطّا
10. Before you is dawn's flower, so admire its light
And before you is the garden's flower, so pick it
١٠. فدونَكَ زُهْرَ الأفْقِ فاسْتَجلِ نورَها
ودونَكَ زهْرَ الروضِ فلتجنِهِ لَقْطا
11. Abu al-Fadl, don't miss out on great heights
You will attain what you hope for even if delayed
١١. أبا الفضْلِ لا تسْتَبْط حَظّاً من العُلَى
ستَبْلُغُ ما أمّلتَ منهُ وإن أبْطا
12. For you are literature's master, you tamed it
What prevents that when God has given you support?
١٢. فَفي حُكْمِك الآدابُ مُلّكْتَ رِقَّها
وهلْ مانِعٌ من ذاكَ واللهُ قد أعْطى
13. With sincere love his heart is bound to his promise
Tying firm the knot and bond between you
١٣. ودونكَها من خالص الوُدّ قلبُهُ
لميثاقِهِ قد أحْكَمَ العَقْدَ والرَّبْطا