
She passed by my dwellings heading for the dew,

مرت بربعي للندى غاديه

1. She passed by my dwellings heading for the dew,
Her fragrance traversing the horizon.

١. مرّتْ برَبْعي للنّدى غادِيَهْ
رائِحَةً بأفْقِهِ غادِيَهْ

2. She resembled the scent of flowers in her breeze,
And shamed the blossoms of oleander in bloom.

٢. فأشْبَهَتْ زَهْرَ الرُبى نفْحةً
وأخْجَلَتْ زُهْرَ العُلى بادِيَهْ

3. The beautiful one revealed her brilliance, and the guide to righteousness,
So she became a leader on his path.

٣. حسْناءُ أبْداها وليُّ الهُدَى
فأصبَحَتْ لنهجِه هادِيَهْ

4. The doves of thought in her garden
Sing his praises and gratitude.

٤. حمائِمُ الفِكْرِ لدى روْضِها
بمَدْحِهِ أو حَمْدِهِ شادِيَهْ

5. She proclaims it though she continues
To incline toward roses in their meadows.

٥. صادِحةٌ بهِ وإنْ لم تزَلْ
للورْدِ في مشْرَعِها صاديَهْ

6. The cultured generation follows her traces,
As the caravan is but a steadfast follower.

٦. يقْفو بنو الآدابِ آثارَها
ما الرَّكْبُ إلا تابِعٌ حادِيَهْ

7. This is the prose which they fell short of,
And never managed to cross its valley.

٧. هذا هوَ النّظْمُ الذي قصّروا
عنهُ ولمّا يَقطعوا وادِيهْ

8. Those envious of her, their shortcoming proclaimed it,
Even if they pretend to call out her callers.

٨. حسودُها التقْصيرُ نادَى بِه
ولَوْ غَدا يدْعو لها نادِيَهْ

9. She wished it and revealed our affection,
Judging with justice, well-mannered.

٩. أوْدَتْ بهِ وأظْهَرَتْ وُدَّنا
عادلةً في حُكْمِها عادِيَهْ

10. It was brought by the beneficial Sheikh,
Whose spirit ransomed our own.

١٠. أتى بها الشيخُ المُفيدُ الذي
نُفوسُنا لنَفسِه فاديَهْ

11. He imbued it with a gentle meaning, by which
Existence established its announcers.

١١. ضمّنَها مَعنى هَنائِي بما
بهِ أقامَ الدّهْرُ مُنآدِيَهْ

12. By it the supporter, my Master, revealed
Over the days his strong resolution.

١٢. وما بهِ النّاصِرُ موْلايَ قدْ
أبْدى على الأيّامِ إنْجادِيَهْ