1. O Nasir al-Din, receive good tidings,
Conquests have adorned it with the finest glory,
١. ناصرَ الدّين خُذ إلَيكَ بشارَهْ
قد كسَتْها الفُتوحُ أبْدَعَ شارَهْ
2. It shines in the lands, east and west,
Rivaling the orbiting stars,
٢. تُجْتَلى في البلادِ غرْباً وشرقاً
فتُباهِي الكواكبَ السّيارَهْ
3. Rejoice in a beautiful achievement and victory,
That fills every ear with its news,
٣. فتهنّأْ صُنعاً جميلاً وفَتحاً
يَحْتَلي كُلُّ مِسْمَعٍ أخْبارَهْ
4. Majestic in description, renowned among people,
Beyond any words to encompass its extent,
٤. جلّ وصْفاً وطارَ في الخلقِ ذِكْراً
قصّرتْ عن مداهُ كُلُّ عِبارَهْ
5. This is the new Fez that took shape,
From which you chose the fortunate,
٥. هذهِ فاسٌ الجديدُ تشكّتْ
فأنلتَ السّعيدَ منْها اخْتيارَهْ
6. And its son, the prosperous, who makes
His fortified quarter and home prosperous,
٦. وابْنُهُ عامِرٌ من الريفِ يُمْسي
عامِراً رَبعَهُ المنيعَ ودارَهْ
7. When delegations come to you, each hoping
For your generosity, which clouds rain,
٧. إذا أتتْكَ الوُفودُ كُلٌّ يُرجّي
منكَ جُوداً يَحْكي السّحابُ انهِمارَهْ
8. Seeking the Kaaba of virtues in you,
Making their pilgrimage and visitation to it,
٨. قاصِداً كعْبَةَ المكارِمِ منهُ
جاعِلاً حجَّهُ لها واعْتِمارَهْ
9. Crossing the sea and its perils to show
How you seek enlightenment in obedience,
٩. قطعَ البحْرَ والمَهامِهَ يُبْدي
كيفَ تبغي في الطّاعةِ اسْتِبصارَهْ
10. You welcomed them, and acceptance is part of its reward,
With pearls of wealth for those who obeyed in their homes,
١٠. قابَلتْ والقَبولُ بعضُ حُلاها
بِدَرُ المالِ مَنْ أطاعَ بِدارَهْ
11. And eyelids came to you with good news,
Each face showing joy for it,
١١. وأتتْكَ الأجفانُ منها ببُشْرَى
كُلّ وَجْهٍ يُبْدي لها استِبْشارَهْ
12. As for those who harbored rebellion, they are disgraced,
Time has refused to lift their burden,
١٢. والذي أمّل العِنادَ ذَليلٌ
قد أبى الدّهْرُ أنْ يُقيلَ عِثارَهْ
13. Time betrayed them, so terror rose in them,
Rising to lower their status among people,
١٣. خانَهُ الدّهْرُ فارْتَقى الذُعْرُ منهُ
مُرْتَقىً حطّ في الوَرى مِقدارَهْ
14. And al-Tariqi was originally from this
Group, he did not attain what he desired and chose,
١٤. والطّريفي كان أصْلاً لهذا ال
قَصْدِ لا نالَ ما ارْتَضَى واخْتارَهْ
15. Can a branch bear fruit when it is uprooted
From its origin by a sinful hand?
١٥. وهل الغُصْنُ حينَ يُجتَثُّ منهُ
أصْلُهُ تجتَني يَدٌ إثمارَهْ
16. God took from him an ungrateful traitor,
Did he feel safe from God and expect to escape?
١٦. أخذَ اللهُ منهُ خَبّاً كَفوراً
أمِنَ اللهِ كان يرْجو فرارَهْ
17. How the frontier complained of his injustice when
He brought unbelief to its land and homes!
١٧. كمْ شَكا الثّغْرُ ظُلمَهُ عندَما قدْ
أوْرت الكفْرَ أرضَهُ ودِيارَهْ
18. Rebellion appeared from him, brandishing a sword,
Until misfortunes scattered his hordes,
١٨. أصبحَ البَغْيُ شاهِراً منهُ سيفاً
ريْثَما فلّتِ الخُطوبُ غِرارَهْ
19. The fortunate one will not fail when he sees
The victory of the son of Nasr al-Din,
١٩. لا يَخيبُ السّعيد إذ بابْنِ نصْرٍ
ناصرِ الدّين قد رأيْنا انتِصارَهْ
20. I have adorned my patron other than my Master
With a garden from my overflowing love,
٢٠. دونَ مولايَ من نظامِيَ روْضاً
فرْطُ حُبّي مُفتّحٌ أزهارَهْ
21. And I pray that his supremacy will last
As long as I see the days and nights of time.
٢١. ودعائِي بأن تدومَ عُلاهُ
ما أرَى الدّهْرُ ليلَهُ ونَهارَهْ