
Passion turned its reins towards my heart

صرف الوجد نحو قلبي عنانه

1. Passion turned its reins towards my heart
Making its sword and teeth work there

١. صرَفَ الوجْدُ نحو قلبي عِنانَهْ
مُعْمِلٌ فيهِ سيْفَهُ وسِنانَهْ

2. A wounded love whose tears from my eyes had dried
When it showed its passion and made it clear

٢. والِهاً قد جَفاهُ دمْعُ جُفوني
حينَ أبْدى غرامَهُ وأبانَهْ

3. What is it to my heart, the neighborhood of the living, when
They befriended it and became its settlers

٣. ما لِقَلْبي وجيرةَ الحيّ لمّا
أتْلَفوهُ وأصْبَحوا سُكّانَهْ

4. And passion for their love when it became
Sleepless of eyelid after them, awake

٤. ولمُغرىً بحبّهم حينَ أمْسى
ساهِرَ الجَفْنِ بعْدهُمْ يَقظانَهْ

5. And in the morning after they left
There are ruins at it which mourned their departure

٥. وبرَبْعِ الحِمى غَداة اسْتَقلّوا
طَلَلٌ بَثّ عندهُ أشجانَهْ

6. It has no patience standing still to its passion
With customs it had rejected and did not recognize

٦. ما لَهُ والوقوفَ طوْعَ هَواهُ
برسومٍ قد أنكَرَتْ عِرْفانَهْ

7. And she who I was passionate about her glamorous traits
Sleep has abandoned me since she left

٧. والتي هامَ في صِفاتِ حُلاها
قد جَفا النوْمُ بعْدَها أجْفانَهْ

8. She left in every way in her love
With a heart that does not expect its happiness to return

٨. ذهبَتْ كلَّ مذْهَبٍ في هَواها
بفؤادٍ لا يَرْتَجي سُلوانَهْ

9. Where is the full moon of night when it appears
While he fears its loss in his horizon

٩. أينَ منها بدْرُ الدُجَى إنْ تجلّتْ
وهوَ يخشَى في أفْقِه نقْصانَهْ

10. The gazelle's glance in the blossoms' beauty
In the brilliance of the sun at its setting

١٠. لحظةُ الظّبْي في شَذا الزّهْرِ طِيباً
في سَنا الشّمسِ في انعِطاف الْبانَهْ

11. Where are you heading, rider of the swift she-camel
Beyond you is life, so follow its caravans

١١. أيْنَ يا راكِبَ المَطيّةِ تبغي
دونَك الحيَّ فاتّبِعْ رُكْبانَهْ

12. Does the Yemeni caravan get lost on purpose
While the lightning has guided its pillars

١٢. أيَضِلُّ الرّكْبُ اليمانيُّ قَصْداً
وسَنا البرْق قدْ هَدَى أظْعانَهْ

13. And gardens the breeze wandered in
So it bent its branches over to meet it

١٣. ورياضٍ جالَ النّسيمُ لديْه
فثَنى فيه للّقا أغْصانَهْ

14. And the cup of clouds served wine
So the birds reiterated their melodies

١٤. وأدارَتْ كأسُ السّحابِ مُداماً
ردّد الطيْرُ عندَها ألْحانَهْ

15. What is it to the bending sprig of basil
If the breeze of morning would straighten it

١٥. ما لغُصْنِ النّوى وقد مالَ زهْواً
لوْ أقامَتْ ريحُ الصَّبا نَشْوانَهْ

16. Are they clouds or are they my tears that flowed
Abundantly so its rivers bent over

١٦. أتُرَى السحْبُ أمْ دموعيَ جادتْ
ريّةً فانثَنَتْ بِها ريّانَهْ

17. No but it is the Caliph's generosity when
He bestowed them, so life held its reins back

١٧. لا ولكن جودُ الخليفَة لمّا
جادها أمْسكَ الحَيا هتّانَهْ

18. Then he reached the mother of cities returning
With his call, its basil to its promise

١٨. ثمَّ وافَى أُمَّ البِلادِ مُعيداً
بِنداهُ لعَهْدِها ريْحانَهْ

19. The rain competed when its call came to it
So it bent when it could not rein it in

١٩. ساجَلَ الغيْثُ إذْ أتاها نَداهُ
فثنى حين لمْ يُطِقْهُ عِنانَهْ

20. And the sun of daybreak disappeared when
The sun of his mirror appeared, wonderfully beautiful

٢٠. وتوارتْ شمسُ الضحى إذ تبدّتْ
شمسُ مَرْآهُ فذّةً حُسّانَهْ

21. The moon and clouds envied its brilliance
And the light of his face and shine

٢١. حسدَ البدْرُ والغَمامُ سَناءً
وسنىً نورَ وجهه وبَنانَهْ

22. We fulfilled our abodes when the Master of Kings
Settled his abodes

٢٢. قد قضيْنا أوْطارَنا عندَما قدْ
حلّ موْلَى مُلوكِها أوْطانَهْ

23. And I reached the dwellings, most passionate thing
To meet after seeing its abandonment

٢٣. واصلَ الرّبْعَ وهْوَ أشْوَقُ شيءٍ
للِّقا بعْدَ أن أرى هِجْرانَهْ

24. How many eyes longed to meet him
And passionate hearts, confused

٢٤. كمْ عُيونٍ تشوّفَتْ للِقاهُ
وقلوبٍ مَشوقَةٍ هَيْمانَهْ

25. Who can equal Joseph, the Master
We knew his empowerment and status

٢٥. مَنْ يُضاهي في الأرضِ يوسُفَ مَوْلىً
قد خبَرْنا تمْكينَهُ ومكانَهْ

26. Who can equal him, Josephic traits
Between a world he made greatest through justice

٢٦. من يُضاهِيه يوسُفيَّ خِلالٍ
بيْنَ دُنْيا أعظِمْ بِها ودِيانَهْ

27. Joseph of honesty, wondrous between my praise
His two arguments being repentance and elucidation

٢٧. يوسُفُ الصَّدْق مُعْجِبٌ بينَ وصْفَيْ
حجّتَيْهِ إنابَةً وإبانَهْ

28. His supremacy in the unknown is an amazing secret
Every king shows submission to him

٢٨. لعُلاهُ في الغَيْبِ سرٌّ عجيبٌ
كلّ مَلْكٍ يبْدي لهُ إذْعانَهْ

29. So the wretched one who transgressed before this
Time brought his death near and made it easy

٢٩. فالشقيُّ الذي اعتدَى قبْلَ هذا
قرَّب الدهْرُ حتفَهُ وأحانَهْ

30. Does the Master of Kings, in East and West
Have anyone show him disobedience like Joseph

٣٠. ألمَوْلى الملوكِ شرْقاً وغرْباً
يوسُفٍ يظهِرُ امْرؤٌ عِصْيانَهْ

31. It would have been an oath of salvation had he come to him
Seeking his kindness and affection from him

٣١. كانَ حلفَ النجاةِ لوْ قد أتاهُ
راجياً منهُ لطْفَهُ وحَنانَهْ

32. But the guardian of misguidance and aggression when
He came in the morning showing his tyranny

٣٢. ووليُّ الضّلالِ والبغْي لمّا
أن غَدا وهْوَ مُظْهِرٌ طغْيانَهْ

33. Supporting the disbelievers and becoming arrogant until
The truth and guidance revealed its proof

٣٣. ظاهَرَ الكافِرين واعتزّ حتّى
أظهرَ الحقُّ والهُدَى بُرْهانَهْ

34. It is as if I see him failing
And the call of evil exposed as lies

٣٤. لكأني بهِ وقدْ خاب سَعْياً
وجَلَتْ دعوةُ الرّدى بُهْتانَهْ

35. Seizures that terrified and drenched the land in blood
When they came upon his side and soul

٣٥. وسُيوفُ الهُدَى تُحَكّمُ فيهِ
قد أحانتْهُ كيفَ شاءتْ مكانَهْ

36. Or did they not know that the son of Nasr
Joseph, his palm has stopped their transgression

٣٦. ولسانُ الزّمانِ ينشِدُ لمّا
أعْدمَ اللهُ في الورى وِجْدانَهْ

37. The kings hopes are dashed unless
He expects his reckoning and kindness from him

٣٧. سُمْتَ أهْلَ الغرورِ منهُمْ نكالاً
وخَبالاً وذِلّةً وإهانَهْ

38. Perhaps good fortune would let down its gifts
If he meets good favor from the fortunate one

٣٨. لمْ يَزالوا للغدْرِ والمكْرِ أهْلاً
وهَواهُمْ قد أصْبَحوا عُبْدانَهْ

39. And he would clarify for him the sweetest drinks of favor
And bring him near, endowing him favor and gratitude

٣٩. كان فيهمْ عُثْمانُهُم وهْوَ منهُمْ
فأباحُوا حِماهُ بلْ سُكّانَهْ

40. May God take from him wicked despicable
Follower in his misguidance, demon

٤٠. والطّريفيُّ عبْدُهُ عبْدُ سَوْءٍ
جمعَ اللُّؤمَ والخَنى والخِيانَهْ

41. He openly shows, along with aggression and betrayal, his
Flowing with evil, treachery, and defiance

٤١. سار منْ قبلُ للجَحيمِ بَشيراً
مُخبِراً أنّ بَعْدَهُ إتْيانَهْ

42. Insisting on opposition, and he knows
That whoever betrays him will not succeed

٤٢. أخْذَةٌ روّعَتْ وبالدّمِ روّتْ
حين وافَتْ جَنابَهُ وجَنانَهْ

43. He left the kingdom, domains, and possessions he had
And everything else he hoarded and protected

٤٣. أوَ لمْ يعْلَموا بأنّ ابْنَ نَصْرٍ
يوسُفاً كفُّهُ كفَتْ عُدْوانَهْ

44. As if the fortunate one inherits what they had
Revealed or secretly concealed

٤٤. خاب قصْدُ الملوكِ إن لم تؤمِّلْ
منهُ إحْسابَهُ ولا إحْسانَهْ

45. As if the fortunate one, your intention
Helped him, preparing his lands

٤٥. ربّما حلّتِ السُعودُ حُباها
لو تلقّى منَ السّعيدِ أمانَهْ

46. Established his rule through righteousness until
It raised him and erected his pillars

٤٦. ولأصْفَى له مشارِبَ نعْما
هُ وأوْلاهُ فضْلَهُ وامْتِنانَهْ

47. The fortunate one succeeded the pinnacle of glory
For he is your eye and became your human

٤٧. أخذ اللهُ منهُ خَبّاً لَئيماً
تابعاً في ضَلالِه شَيْطانَهْ

48. Through you he came to rule submissive to his hands
When you raised him to the highest status

٤٨. وهْوَ يُبْدي على مُظاهَرة الكفْ
رِ معَ البَغْي والخَنى جَرَيانَهْ

49. He runs the swords in the blood of his enemies
To quench their thirst in an ocean

٤٩. يتَمادى على الخِلافِ ويَدْري
أنهُ غيْرُ مُفلِحٍ مَنْ خانَهْ

50. The west is in your hands, an open field
The followers of guidance filled its battlefield

٥٠. تركَ المُلك والمَمالِكَ والما
لَ لديْهِ وكُلَّ عِلْقٍ صانَهْ

51. So congratulations on supporting the religion with a kingdom
Surpassing the pride of Mansur and his Marwan

٥١. وكأنْ بالسّعيدِ وارِثَ ما قدْ
أظهَروهُ أو أضمَروا كِتْمانَهْ

52. If a Caesar came he would fall short of him
And Kisra would cast his crown to him

٥٢. وكأنْ بالسّعيدِ قد ساعَدَتْهُ
نيّةٌ منكَ مهّدت بُلْدانَهْ

53. And congratulations on the arrival of glory, you who
Dressed glory, donning its vestments

٥٣. أسّسَتْ مُلكَهُ على البرِّ حتّى
أصْعَدَتْهُ وشيّدتْ أرْكانَهْ

54. And congratulations, for the ships have come
While coaxed and willing in obedience

٥٤. حلّ منهُ السّعيدُ ذِرْوَةَ عزٍّ
فهوَ عيْنٌ وقد غَدا إنسانَهْ

55. And the page of the seas wrote congratulations
Rubbing their eyelids with its own

٥٥. بكَ أضْحى والمُلْكُ طوْعُ يَديْهِ
حيثُ رقّيتَهُ لأعْلى مكانَهْ

56. He who brought the good news from it
God raised his status among nobles

٥٦. يورِدُ السّيفَ في دِماءِ عِداهُ
فيُروّي في بَحْرِه ظَمْآنَهْ

57. The wind takes from his appearance but refuses
To compete with its blowing current

٥٧. إنما الغَرْبُ في يديْكَ مجالٌ
ملأتْ شيعةُ الهُدى مَيدانَهْ

58. If we sacrificed our souls it would be insignificant
For what he brought and made clear

٥٨. فتهنّأْ يا ناصِرَ الدّين مُلكاً
فاقَ منصورَهُ شأَى مروانَهْ

59. And congratulations before that on an opening
Time brought near its time and moment

٥٩. لوْ أتَى قيصَرٌ لقَصّرَ عنْهُ
ولألْقى كِسْرَى لهُ تيجانَهْ

60. Do not ask about another, for Mount Victory will come
Following it carrying its banner

٦٠. وهَنيئاً بمَقْدَمِ العزِّ يا مَنْ
ألْبَسَ العِزَّ مُضْفِياً أرْدانَهْ

61. You know, and poetry most honest
What made the Chosen One compose his praise

٦١. وهنيئاً بها سَوابحَ تأتي
وهْيَ بيْن اسْتِمالَةٍ واستِكانَهْ

62. None besides my Master, from my poems, have
Beauty and adornments, temptation its index

٦٢. وحَكتْ صفْحةُ البِحارِ مُحَيّاً
فيه تُلْفي أجفانُها أجْفانَهْ

63. It flows with praise of you, elucidation
The horizon of poetry, its comets appearing

٦٣. والذي جاء بالبِشارةِ منْها
رفَعَ اللهُ في الشّوانيِّ شانهْ

64. I am a servant whom your favors fed until
Raising his worth with you and status

٦٤. تأخُذُ الرّيحُ عنْ حُلاهُ وتأبى
أن تُباري هُبوبُها جَريانَهْ

65. A blessing from you to me that Nidhami
Is a flower, customs shine in its garden

٦٥. لوْ بذلنا النّفوسَ كان قَليلاً
للذي قدْ أتَى بهِ وأبانَهْ

66. How can goodness of praise be fulfilled for you
Through which God sends down its distinction

٦٦. وتهنّأْ منْ قَبْلِ ذلك فتحاً
قرّبَ الدّهْرُ وقتَه وأوانَهْ

67. May you remain, and victory at your door a riding beast
Pulling good fortune towards it its reins

٦٧. لا تَسَلْ عنْ سِواهُ إذ سوفَ تُلْفِي
جبلَ الفتحِ تابعاً شمَّانَهْ

٦٨. قد علِمْتُمْ والشِّعْرُ أصْدقُ فالاً
ما دَعا المُصْطَفى لهُ حسّانَهْ

٦٩. دونَ مَوْلايَ من نِظامِيَ خَوْداً
فذّةَ الحُسْنِ والحُلَى فتّانَهْ

٧٠. راقَ منها بالمَدْحِ فيكَ بَيانٌ
أفُقُ الطّرْسِ مُطْلِعٌ شُهْبانَهْ

٧١. أنا عبْدٌ غذَتْهُ نُعْماكَ حتّى
رفَعَتْ قدْرَهُ لديْكَ وشانَهْ

٧٢. نِعمةٌ منكَ لِي بأنّ نِظامي
زَهَرٌ تجتَلي النُهَى بسْتانَهْ

٧٣. أيُوَفَّى عليْكَ حُسْنُ ثَناءٍ
وبهِ اللهُ مُنزِلٌ فُرْقانَهْ

٧٤. دُمْتَ والنّصْرُ عِند بابِكَ ركْبٌ
يجذُبُ السّعْدُ نحوَهُ أرْسانَهْ