
Our loved ones, is there still hope after our resolve

أحبابنا هل لنا بعد النوى طمع

1. Our loved ones, is there still hope after our resolve
Of nearness, or will the time of companionship return?

١. أحْبابَنا هلْ لَنا بعْدَ النّوى طمَعُ
في القُرْبِ أو هلْ زمانُ الأُنْسِ يرْتَجِعُ

2. When I remember what was between you and I
My heart almost splits with the memory.

٢. إذا تذكّرتُ ما بَيْني وبيْنَكُمُ
يكادُ قلبيَ من ذِكْراهُ ينْصَدِعُ

3. The riders departed at dawn hurriedly
While tears fell and sighs arose.

٣. ولّتْ صباحاً رِكابُ القومِ مُسرِعةً
والدّمْعُ ينزِلُ والأنْفاسُ ترتَفِعُ

4. They did not hope for recovery from lovesickness, if only
They had returned to the goodness of patience.

٤. ما أمّلوا للحِمى رُجْعَى فلَيْتَهُمُ
لو أنّهُم لجميلِ الصبْرِ قد رجَعوا

5. Why do I implore patience when it fails me?
But it is the way of love to persevere.

٥. ما لِي وللصّبرِ أسْتَجْدي عوارِفَهُ
لكنّهُ سنَنٌ في الحُبّ مُتَّبَعُ

6. We were at ease as hopes desired,
Reunited and gathered together.

٦. كُنّا كما شاءَتِ الآمالُ في دَعَةٍ
والوصْلُ متّصِلٌ والشّمْلُ مُجْتَمِعُ

7. Time unjustly separated us and went on
As if what was in our hands was now out of reach.

٧. ففرّقَ الدّهْرُ ظُلْماً بينَنا وغَدا
ما كان طوْعَ يدَيْنا وهْوَ مُمْتَنِعُ

8. I did not expect nearness to be followed
By distance, nor that long companionship would cease.

٨. ما كان ظنّيَ أنّ القُرْبَ يُعقِبُهُ
بعْدٌ ولا أنّ طولَ الوصْلِ ينقَطِعُ

9. I did not reckon that passion would make me lose my mind,
How many lovers before me were deluded by hope!

٩. ما كُنْتُ أحسِبُ أنّ الوجْدَ يُذهِلُني
كمْ عاشِقٍ غرّهُ من قَبْليَ الطّمَعُ

10. O you who possessed me with love, how beautiful
Patience is, while my eyes long for the sight of you.

١٠. يا مَنْ تملّكَني حُبّاً أيَجْملُ بي
صبْرٌ وعيني على مرْآكَ لا تقَعُ

11. The world seems narrow in my eyes when
I do not see you in it, though the earth is vast.

١١. تَضيقُ في عينيَ الدُنْيا إذا أنا لا
أراكَ فيها ورحْبُ الأرضِ مُتَّسعُ

12. If only a phantom image of you would visit me,
I would be content with the slightest glimpse.

١٢. مَن لي بطَيْفِ خَيالٍ منْكَ يَطْرُقُني
إنّي بأيْسَرِ حظٍّ منْهُ أقْتَنِعُ

13. They asked me to describe the encampment where you stayed,
Alas! Apart from it life brings no profit.

١٣. راموا سُلُوّيَ عن ربْعٍ حَلَلْتَ بِه
هيْهاتَ ما دونَه في العيْشِ مُنتفَعُ

14. He who spends the night suffering what I suffered,
Does not know what will come or what will pass.

١٤. مَن باتَ يَلْقى الذي ألقاهُ منْ ألَمٍ
فليْسَ يعلَمُ ما ياتي وما يدَعُ