
Patience, beautiful patience, perhaps and maybe

صبراً جميلاً فلعل وعسى

1. Patience, beautiful patience, perhaps and maybe
The bond of love will leaf out after it withered

١. صبراً جميلاً فلعل وعسى
يورق عود الوصل بعد ما عسا

2. And time is harsh, its heart is hard
Perhaps time's heart will soften after it hardened

٢. والدهر قاس قلبه وربما
يلين قلب الدهر بعدما قسا

3. He wronged me after treating me well
If only he would treat me well after wronging me

٣. أساءني من بعد ما أحسن بي
يا ليته أحسن بعدما أسا

4. He unleashed my tears after binding them
And said, take from it a arid road

٤. أطلق دمعي بعد ما قيده
وقال خذ منه طريقاً يبسا

5. He let me drink from sorrow's cup
I hastened to distance myself, having drunk my fill

٥. أنهلني من الدنو راحة
أكرع منها للبعاد أكؤسا

6. O time, how much you have rubbed me raw in my homeland
You saw in it a lame old camel

٦. يا دهر كم مارستني في موطن
شاهدت مني فيه قرماً اشوسا

7. Not turning away from the goal it seeks
Or attaining the goal by nature most unyielding

٧. لا ينثني عن غاية يطلبها
أو يبلغ الغاية طبعاً أشرسا

8. His father built a house of guidance
While he erected what his father had founded

٨. أبوه قد أسس بيتاً للهدى
وهو بنى فشاد ما قد أسسا

9. Of youths whose father was Ali
And their mother Fatima, best of all women

٩. من فتية أبوهم عليها
وأمهم فاطمة خير النساء

10. They related the hadith of merit from their grandfather
And their grandfather related it from the people of endurance

١٠. رووا حديث الفضل عن جدهم
وجدهم رواه عن أهل الكسا

11. No dawn has broken over likes of them
Pillars of forbearance, no, nor has evening fallen

١١. ما أصبح الصبح على أمثالهم
أطواد حلم لا ولا أمسى المسا

12. From each bright-browed light
The light of sun borrowed a flint

١٢. من كل وضاح الجبين نوره
استعار نور الشمس منه قبسا

13. No night has gloomed over their hopes
Except their generosity dawned breathing

١٣. ما عسعس الليل على آملهم
إلا وصبح جودهم تنفسا

14. And should a complex issue be knotted
The loosing of its knot was a fine healer

١٤. وعيلم إن أعضلت معضلة
كان لبرء دائها نعم الأسا

15. O fate, keep close to them a soul
Count the whole of life as that soul

١٥. يا دهر جد بالقرب منهم نفسا
وعد كل العمر ذاك النفسا

16. After them you delivered me over to grief
After them you delivered me over to grief

١٦. أسلمتني إلى الأسى من بعدهم
من بعدهم اسلمتني إلى الأسى