1. I complain to you, may you be moved by the ardour
That crept into me, what a creeping!
١. أشكو اليك عسى ترق لمهجة
دبت بها الأشواق أي دبيب
2. It weakened my strength the day desires inclined,
The bending of the lithe waist moist.
٢. أوهت قواها يوم منعرج اللوى
لفتات مياس القوام رطيب
3. It grew lush and erected my structure, so its share
Of me is affection, and say a small share of me.
٣. رشأ أقام قيامتي فنصيبه
مني الوداد وقل منه نصيبي
4. It grew for Joseph in the radiance of his face
Ever increasing, attributed to the youth.
٤. رشأ ليوسف في ملاحة وجهه
ينمى وينمى نسبة لشبيب
5. I clarified it as pure affection, and it named me
In it abased, my blamer and watcher.
٥. اصفيته محض الوداد وسامني
فيه هوانا عاذلي ورقيبي