1. Tell the brilliant and enlightened one, who has risen
Through his auspicious horoscope, you are besotted with him
١. قل لِلذَكيّ الأَلمعيّ وَقَد رقى
رتباً بطالعه السَعيد تهيمُ
2. You are second in rank, adorned with it
A great honor among people for it
٢. بكَ أَنتَ ثانية المَراتب زانَها
شرف لَها بَين الأَنام عَظيم
3. And you will take the first rank and attain what you desire
In a little while, and time is your servant
٣. وَستأخذ الأولى وتبلغ ما تَشا
عَمّا قَليل وَالزَمان خَديم
4. And when glory sees you, it congratulates
Praising in well-composed verse
٤. وَإِذا رآك المَجد قال مهنئاً
متمثلاً بِالمَدح وَهُوَ نَظيم
5. No wonder you have surpassed others in ascendance
With this position, and you are Abraham
٥. لا غرو أَن فقت الثريا رفعةً
هَذا المَقام وَأَنتَ إِبراهيم
6. Far be it that you forget, remembering as a loyal friend
Throughout the ages with everlasting affection
٦. حاشاك تَنسى ذاكراً لك مخلصاً
طُول المَدى في الود وَهوَ قَديم
7. It was enough for him, seven counted months
That passed with him in the house where he resided
٧. فَكَفاه سَبعة أَشهر مَعدودة
مرّت بِهِ في الدار وَهوَ مقيم
8. The pen of administration in schools, changed him
He served in them, upholding the intended way
٨. قلم الإِدارة بِالمَدارس غَيره
خدم بِها طبق المَرام يَقوم
9. So send to the dear friend, in dire need
At which even solid rock would melt, so immense
٩. فَارفع إِلى الصدّيق حالة فاقةٍ
مِنها يَذوب الصَخر وَهوَ جسيم
10. You remain a helper for the distressed, in fulfilling
His needs, and praise of you endures
١٠. لا زلت للمضطرّ عَوناً في قَضا
حاجاته وَلَكَ الثَناء يَدوم