
As if at dawn, Uqail was carried off

كأن عقيلا في الضحى حلقت به

1. As if at dawn, Uqail was carried off
And flown away into the western sky by a vulture

١. كَأَنَّ عُقَيلاً في الضُحى حَلَّقَت بِهِ
وَطارَت بِهِ في الجَوِّ عَنقاءُ مُغرِبُ

2. By one so generous, who calls on you, O clan of Amir
With his cloak dripping blood in the fray

٢. وَذي كَرَمٍ يَدعوكُمُ آلَ عامِرٍ
لَدى مَعرَكٍ سِربالُهُ يَتَصَبَّبُ

3. Amir saw the swords fall and they surrendered
Their brother, as no terrifying horse shied away

٣. رَأَت عامِرٌ وَقعَ السُيوفِ فَأَسلَموا
أَخاهُم وَلَم يَعطِف مِنَ الخَيلِ مُرهِبُ

4. And when Amir saw death, he submitted
With a steed above the spear-points, humpbacked

٤. وَسَلَّمَ لَمّا أَن رَأى المَوتَ عامِرٌ
لَهُ مَركَبٌ فَوقَ الأَسِنَّةِ أَحدَبُ

5. When our forest of spears shades him
The necklace of his victim hangs over him, dripping

٥. إِذا ما أَظَلَّتهُ عَوالي رِماحِنا
تَدَلّى بِهِ نَهدُ الجُزارَةِ مِنهَبُ

6. On his shoulder-blades, like swooping eagles
Whose shoulders gleam, preening over their prey

٦. عَلى صَلَوَيهِ مُرهَفاتٌ كَأَنَّها
قَوادِمُ نَسرٍ بُزَّ عَنهُنَّ مَنكِبُ