
And we have prevented Tamim though he has transgressed,

ونحن منعنا من تميم وقد طغت

1. And we have prevented Tamim though he has transgressed,
From the pastures though Najd has included them,

١. وَنَحنُ مَنَعنا مِن تَميمٍ وَقَد طَغَت
مَراعي المَلا حَتّى تَضَمَّنَها نَجدُ

2. At a time when their men donned swiftly
The mantles of valor through which pours determination

٢. عَلى حينَ شالَت وَاِستَخَفَّت رِجالَهُم
جَلائِبُ أَحياءٍ يَسيلُ بِها الشَدُّ