
Oh what a joyful new moon of Shawwal we've been granted

واحبذا شوالنا وهلاله

1. Oh what a joyful new moon of Shawwal we've been granted
Its nights are for us a celebration

١. واحبذا شوّالنا وهلالهُ
شهرٌ لياليه علينا عيدُ

2. It has brought us glad tidings of a prophet whose arrival
Revived despondent souls and heavy hearts

٢. أهدى لنا بشراً قد انتعشت بهِ
مهجٌ وافئدةٌ لنا وكبودُ

3. Its brilliant days shine radiantly upon us
Bestowing bliss and bounty without cease

٣. أيامهُ الغرّاء مشرقةٌ طوا
لعها علينا بالسرور سعودُ

4. In it the glorious Quran, a delightful companion
Was revealed, not once confining us with gloom

٤. لالى بها أبهى قرانٍ مؤنسِ
لا ساءَ هُ طول المدى تنكيدُ

5. It lit up the abode of glory, a wedding of splendor
With providence its duration ever will increase

٥. وانار دار العز عرس زانه
وفق على مدد الزمان يزيدُ

6. The sun entered the constellation of Saad, residing
In the lion, whose mighty grip all darkness shall cease

٦. والشمس حلّت برج سعدٍ ناط في
أسدٍ لكم تخشى سطاه اسودُ

7. He is Yusuf the glorious, the shooting star whose light
Ever ascends, sovereignty and glory his to seize

٧. هو يوسف الشهم الشهابيُّ الذي
لا زال يرقى للعلا ويسودُ

8. His wedding compares to serenity and a life
Replete with joy and days stretching with ease

٨. ويعمّه عرسٌ يقارنهُ صفا
عيشٍ وعمرٌ بالسعود مديدُ

9. Onward flows his fortune, power in full bloom
With triumph, aided by divine decree

٩. ودوام اقبالٍ وعزٍ مزهرٍ
يزهو بنصرٍ حفّه التأييدُ

10. For him is our elation in all he's gained and brought us
Bounty fulfilled, purpose and means now guaranteed

١٠. ولهُ الهنا فيما اقتنى وبهِ لنا
نعم المنا قد تمْ والمقصودُ

11. My soul is ransom for him, a prince who has honored
Governance, made eminent nobility's rank supreme

١١. روحي الفداء له أمير شُرّفت
فيهِ الامارة وازدهى التسييدُ

12. A righteous branch sprung from his upright forebears
Generosity innate, through him made concrete

١٢. فرع زكا ينبيك عن ابايهِ
وجدوده جودٌ به موجودُ

13. Noble traits and gentle character redouble his acclaim
Morals singular, within existence, deemed

١٣. ومناقبٌ حسنى ولطف شمايلِ
تثنى وخلق في الورى محمودُ

14. In praising him the Arabs have expressed profession
While the Turks, how they doubles their odes it seems

١٤. العرب في تمداحهِ قد أعربت
والترك كم يبدي الثنا ويعيدُ

15. A Turkish maiden offers him the wine of life most pure
Of which the very crescent moon would envy it seems

١٥. يهديه جارية للثم اكفهِ
تركّيةً منها تغار الغيدُ

16. She sings a melody celebrating his history
A wedding blessed, a union exalted, so it seems

١٦. تشدو بترنيمٍ حلا تاريخه
عرسٌ حميد الاقتران مجيدُ