
The king of Canaan is pure

ملك الكنانة طاهر

1. The king of Canaan is pure
And his luck is as he desires

١. ملك الكنانة طاهر
وحظي على مرغوبه

2. The action against the name as if
To attribute ugliness to his sins

٢. والفعل ضد الاسم كا
ن لقبحه بذنوبه

3. His days were crying
In them the appearance of his flaws

٣. أيامه كانت بكا
فيها ظهور عيوبه

4. And his men out of his injustice
Betrayed him as they were deceived by him

٤. ورجاله من ظلمه
أرختهم غدروا به