
She came pulling her train behind,

وافت تجر الذيولا

1. She came pulling her train behind,
A maiden who captivates minds.

١. وافت تجرّ الذيولا
عذراء تسبي العقولا

2. A Turk left me obsessed
With her love, fully possessed.

٢. تركّيهٌ تركتني
في حبها مشغولا

3. The sun of beauty shone bright,
I desired no other in her sight.

٣. شمس الجمال تبدّت
لم ابغِ عنها بديلا

4. Her full moon in my sky
Wanes, then waxes, won't say goodbye.

٤. وبدرها في سمايي
بادٍ ويابى الافولا

5. I'm still crazy for her love,
Though she's distant, like a far-off dove.

٥. ما زلت مضنى هواها
لو ذقت هجراً طويلا

6. A girl of splendor who
Sings, making singers seem so few.

٦. من الغواني فتاةٌ
تغنى عن المغنى قولا

7. She's a precious pearl whose worth
Made the dearest friend a foe on earth.

٧. لدرّ بحر ثناها
أضحى الخليل خليلا

8. Her perfection of charm and style
Surpassed gentle grace by a mile.

٨. شمولها لطف معنىً
باللطف فاق الشمولا

9. From her mouth a cup she'd pour
Of sweet discourse and so much more.

٩. تدير كاس حديث
من ثغرها معسولا

10. With magic of eloquence she came
Revealing generosity and fame.

١٠. اتت بسحر بيانٍ
ابان فضلاً جزيلا

11. She tells of virtuous people, and strings
A necklace of poems with beautiful things.

١١. عن فضل ذي الفضل ينبي
عقداً بديعاً جميلا

12. Correct is their meaning and right,
Quoted truly word for word outright.

١٢. صحيح معناه يروي
عن الصحاح نقولا

13. In her presence Arabic becomes mute,
Though its rules she knows by rote.

١٣. لديه تنعجم العر
ب وهو ترك أصولا

14. O precious pearl, pearl in truth!
Reciting with care, that's her youth.

١٤. يا درّ درّ قوافٍ
ترتلت ترتيلا

15. Judges of rhetoric were dumbstruck,
As she recited, their minds amok.

١٥. قس الفصاحة فيه
سحبان أضحى ذهولا

16. What predecessors left behind
To later ages, she will find.

١٦. كم ترك الأولون
إلى الأواخر قيلا

17. Histories tell of her wit and reach,
Stunning mastery beyond teach.

١٧. عنه التواريخ تروي
براعةً وشمولا

18. Her fame is known by all,
Noble through the years shall her name call.

١٨. قد سار ذكراً شهيراً
بين الأنام جليلا

19. God's gift she became in our days,
Perfect columns of verse she displays.

١٩. لله يوم آتانا
منه الثنا مستطيلا

20. Long I wished to hear her recite,
Quenching thirst with words polite,

٢٠. وطال ما كان سمعي
سماعها مستنيلا

21. Until I gathered from her diction,
Smitten, obsessed beyond addiction.

٢١. حتى تشنف منها
وهام فيها ثمولا

22. She was crowned with verses of splendor,
Welcomed warmly with acclaim and honor.

٢٢. قد طوق الجيد عقداً
من الثنا مقبولا

23. The days adorned her with bracelets and all,
Her composition and rhymes stood tall.

٢٣. والبس الدهر منه
اساوراً وحجولا

24. For her Zuhair wrote prose like kings,
Trying to earn her charming flings.

٢٤. توشيحه والقوافي
ملوك تبع تولى

25. His scatterings were gems strewn,
Of meanings and words opportune.

٢٥. لها زهير هزارٌ
يشدو بها مستميلا

26. She made Al-Harith humble, a fool,
Yet he became famous as Al-Hariri the school.

٢٦. نثاره نثرات الجم
ان معنىً وقولا

27. Excuse my weak, meager praise,
For before you it seems frail always.

٢٧. فهو الحريّ ومنه
يغدو الحريري خجولا

28. So let down your veil of cover,
And from you may acceptance hover.

٢٨. فاعذر رقيق امتداحٍ
لديك أضحى نحيلا

29. Leave those of wisdom so they may live long,
As servants in love compose their song.

٢٩. واسبلن ذيل سترٍ
اذ منك يبغي القبولا

30. She came pulling her train behind,
A maiden who captivates minds.

٣٠. واسلم تطارح أهل الآداب
دهراً نبيلا

٣١. فالعبد في الحب يشدو
وافت تجر الذيولا