1. His protector shone brightly through Othman's merit
Who attained a supreme destiny among the leaders
١. باهت حماه بفضل عثمان الذي
قد فاق قدراً سامياً بين الملا
2. I would ransom him with a name of honourable mention
Were not his eyes diminished, his kindness grew more
٢. افديه من اسم شريف الذكران
أنقصت عيناً منه زاد تفضلا
3. So the companions among the Arabs prevailed through him
And by him the Turks attained the heights
٣. فالصحب بين العرب قد سادوا به
قدماً وفيه الترك قد بلغوا العلا
4. His letters are as numerous as the senses so if
You find any shortcoming, such lack has been perfected
٤. فحروفهُ عدد الحواس فان تجد
عجزاً فذاك العجز كم قد اكملا
5. The eye of the fortunate one overflowed, so by it
Among the virtuous he became a distinguished master
٥. عين السعيد تكفكفت فغدا بها
بين الأفاضل سيداً متجللاً
6. How David the perceptive excelled in his knowledge
And how oft his name roamed the cosmos on high
٦. كم ساد داود البصير بعلمه
ولكم سرى بالكون ذكراً في العلا
7. And how oft praise is sung of Othman's merit in the world
We commemorate his bounty and extol his glory
٧. ولكم غدا يثني نقولا بالورى
عن فضل عثمانٍ ونيشي مجزلاً
8. A vast, surging sea that flooded the coasts
Its abundance reached the mountains in full
٨. بحرٌ عميمٌ دافقٌ عمَّ السَواحل
فيضه وإلى الجبال توصلا
9. How much did we delight our ears by his words
And how many precious pearls did we glean
٩. كم منه شنفنا المسامع بهجةً
وكم التقطنا منه درًّا يُجتلى