
Her eyes have returned to torment me, and her pride,

عاود عيني نصبها وغروره

1. Her eyes have returned to torment me, and her pride,
Are they blind or do they ache when they see me?

١. عاوَدَ عَينَي نَصبُهَا وَغُرورُها
أهمُّ عَناهَا أمْ قَذَاها يَعُورُهَا

2. Or has the house become desolate as though
It were a Yemeni parchment inscribed with poetry?

٢. أم الدار أَمسَت قَد تَعَفَّت كأَنَّهَ
زَبُورُ يَمَانٍ نَقَّشَتهُ سُطُورُهَا

3. I remembered in it India and its dream companions,
Through it the spy is disproved and its ruler disobeyed,

٣. ذَكَرَتُ بِها هِنداً وأترابَها الأُلَى
بِهَا يُكذَبُ الوَاشي ويُعصَى أميرُهَا

4. So what chisel weeps for the loss of its friend
When it remembers it, its sobbing will not stop,

٤. فَمَا مُعولٌ تَبكِي لِفَقدِ أَلِيفِهَا
إِذَا ذَكَرَتهُ لاَ يَكُفُّ زَفِيرُها

5. With more copious tears than mine when I saw it
Urging its camel before dawn with them

٥. بِأَغْزرَ مِنّي عَبرةً إِذَ رَأيتُهَا
يحَثُ بِهَا قَبلَ الصَّبَاحِ بَعيرُهَا

6. Did it not come to India however its people acted
The clan of Aamir, when its warner came running

٦. أَلَم يَأتِ هِنداً كَيفَما صُنعُ قَومِه
بَني عَامِر إِذا جَاءَ يَسعَى نَذِيرُهَا

7. And they said to us, "We love to meet you
And we greet your land and will visit it"

٧. فَقَالُوا لَنَا إِنَّا نُحِبُّ لِقَاءَكُم
وَأَنَّا نُحَيِّيي أرضَكُم ونَزُورُها

8. So we said, "Then we will not evade you for long,
With the silence of the spearheads which blood reddens"

٨. فَقُلنَا إِذن لاَ نَنكُلُ الدَّهرَ عنكُمُ
بِصُمِّ القَنَا اللاَّئِي الدِّمَاءَ تُميرُها

9. So no wonder the horses cough in the spearhead
As the stallions thunder beneath the hilts

٩. فَلاَ غَروَ أَنَّ الخَيلَ تَنحَطُ في القَنَا
تَمَطَّرُ مِن تَحتِ العوالي ذُكُورها

10. It moans from the ugly thing that befell it
And lowers its cheeks, and the lances shape it

١٠. تَأَوَّهُ مِمّا مَسَّها مِن كَرِيهَةٍ
وتُصغِىِ الخُدُودَ وَالرِّمَاحُ تَصُورُها

11. And its masters are slain by the havoc of ruin
Its lionesses and leopards drag them

١١. وأَرْبابُها صَرعى بِبُرقَةِ أَخرَبٍ
تُجرِّرُهُم ضِبعَانُها ونُسورُها

12. So convey to Abu Al-Hajjaj my message from me
Fettered, do not let its locks escape you

١٢. فَأبلِغ أَبَا الحَجَّاجِ عَنِّي رِسَالَةً
مُغلغَلةً لاَ يُفلِتَنكَ بُسُورُها

13. You who barred peace the day you met us
With your palms covering deceit and kindling it

١٣. فَأَنتَ مَنَعتَ السَّلمَ يَومَ لَقِيتَنَا
بِكفِّيك تُسدِي غَيَّةً وتُنيرُهَا

14. So taste what was of the excess of malice
Our milk-stock when our supporter was absent from us

١٤. فَذُوقُوا عَلَى مَا كَانَ مِن فَرط إحنَةٍ
حَلائِبَنَا إِذ غَابَ عَنَّا نَصِيرُها