
O messenger, convey my greetings to Hind, though she be far,

ألا أبلغا هنداً سلامي وإِن نأت

1. O messenger, convey my greetings to Hind, though she be far,
For my heart has pined for her since the encampment moved on.

١. أَلاَ أَبلِغَا هِنداً سَلامِي وَإِن نَأَت
فَقَلبِي بِها مُذ شَطَّتِ الدَّارُ مُدنَفُ

2. I've not seen, since that moment we parted, a fairer woman,
Gracefully strolling amongst her own folk.

٢. وَلَم أَرَ هِنداً بَعدَ مَوقِفِ سَاعَةٍ
بِأَنعَمَ في أهلِ الدِّيَارِ تُطَوِّفُ

3. She came between comrades, walking with the gait
Of a delicate gazelle, softer than they.

٣. أَتَتَ بَينَ أَترَابٍ تمايَسُ إِذ مَشَت
دَبِيبَ القَطَا أَوهُنَّ مِنهُنَّ أَقطَفُ

4. In the early morn she appears, face unveiled, shimmering,
Bearing a mirror and kohl stick in hand.

٤. يَبَاكِرنَ مِرآةً جَلِيًّا وَفَارَةً
ذَكِيًّا وبالأَيدِي مَدَاكٌ وَمِسوَفُ

5. She gestured to me shyly as I stood there,
Dazzled by the radiance of dawn upon her beauty.

٥. أَشَارَت إلَينَا في حَيَاءٍ ورَاعَهَا
سَراةَ الضُّحَى مِنِّي عَلَى الحَيّ مَوقِفُ

6. And she said “Keep your distance, cousin, for I am promised
To a jealous, violent man who would be angered."

٦. وقالت تَبَاعَد يَا ابنَ عَمِّي فَإِنَّنِي
مُنيِتُ بِذِي صَولٍ يغارُ ويَعنُفُ
