
Do you come early or are you departing in the evening,

أتبكر أم أنت العشية رائح

1. Do you come early or are you departing in the evening,
With grief smoldering in your breast because of parting with people I do not love to be separated from,

١. أتبكر أم أنتَ العشيةَ رائحُ
وفي الصَدرِ من إضمارك الحزنَ قادحُ

2. As if you will move away from them after two days,
And you have brought truthful news about Muhammad,

٢. لفُرقةِ قومٍ لا أحب فراقهم
كأنَّك عنهم بعد يومين نازحُ

3. Which will be conveyed about him when an advisor is absent.
O best she-camel that has been directed, towards Al-Ghour and Najd where there are hills,

٣. وأخبار صِدقٍ خبِّرت عن محمد
يُخبّرها عنه إذا غابَ ناصحُ

4. To the market of Bosra among the riders, who have become exhausted and stooped from the burdens.
So inform us about every good thing in his knowledge,

٤. فتاكِ التي وجَّهتِ يا خيرَ حُرَّةٍ
بغورٍ وبالنجدين حيثُ الصحاصحُ

5. And truth has doors and they have keys.
That the son of Abdullah, Ahmad, has been sent,

٥. إلى سوقِ بُصرى في الركاب التي غدت
وهُنَّ من الاحمال قعص دوالح

6. To everyone who has been collected against him as enemies.
And my view of him is that he will be sent as a truthful one,

٦. فخبرنا عن كلِّ خير بعلمهِ
وللحقِّ أبوابٌ لهن مفاتحُ

7. Just as the servants Hud and Salih were sent,
And Moses and Abraham, until his glory and widespread message become clear,

٧. بأن ابنَ عبد اللَه أحمد مرسلٌ
إلى كلِّ من ضُمَّت عليه الأباطحُ

8. And a bright youthful group will follow him eagerly.
So if he remains alive until people reach his time,

٨. وظنّي به أن سوف يُبعث صادقاً
كما أرسلَ العبدانِ هودٌ وصالحُ

9. Then I will be joyfully hoping good things for him.
And if not, then know O Khadija,

٩. وموسى وإبراهيمُ حتى يُرى له
بهاءٌ ومنشورٌ من الذكر واضحُ

10. That I will be wandering aimlessly in the vast earth away from your land.

١٠. ويتبعه حيّا لؤيٍّ جماعة
شبابهُم والأِيبون الجحاجحُ