
They accused Abu Wahhab of a great thing

لقد قذفوا أبا وهب بأمر

1. They accused Abu Wahhab of a great thing
Or greater than great

١. لَقَد قَذَفوا أَبا وَهبٍ بِأَمرٍ
كَبيرٍ أَو يَزيدُ عَلى الكَبيرِ

2. And I testify they have lied about him
With the testimony of a learned one well acquainted with them

٢. وَأَشهَدُ أَنَّهُم كَذَبوا عَلَيهِ
شَهادَةَ عالِمٍ بِهِم خَبيرِ