
Shall I not convey to Abu Uthman

ألا أبلغ أبا عثمان

1. Shall I not convey to Abu Uthman
The excuse of a reproachful, sorrowful man?

١. أَلا أَبلِغ أَبا عُثما
نَ عِذرَةَ مُعتِبٍ أَسِفا

2. For I am not like one who loves you
With the tongue and swears much.

٢. فَلَستُ كَمَن يَوَدُّكَ بِال
لِسانِ وَيُكثِرُ الحَلِفا

3. You reproached me for things
That were excessive between us.

٣. عَتَبتَ عَلَيَّ في أَشيا
ءَ كانَت بَينَنا سَرَفا

4. So do not let the enemies gloat over me
And the neighbors pry.

٤. فَلا تُشمِت بِيَ الأَعدا
ءَ وَالجيرانَ مُلتَهِفا

5. You would like that I were flesh
Seen by birds that carried me off piecemeal.

٥. تَوَدُّ لَو أَنَّني لَحمٌ
رَأَتهُ الطَيرُ فَاِختُطِفا

6. And do not with it raise your head proudly—
God pardon what is past!

٦. وَلا تَرفَع بِهِ رَأساً
عَفا الرَحمنُ ما سَلَفا