
My friend disappeared from the neighbor's house

خف من دار جيرتي

1. My friend disappeared from the neighbor's house
Oh my bosom friend, her company I miss

١. خَفَّ مِن دارِ جيرَتي
يا خَليلَيَّ أُنسُها

2. Why doesn't she come out, for her absence grew long
Dawn has come, or begun, yet she hasn't dressed

٢. أَفَلا تَخرُجُ العَرو
سُ فَقَد طالَ حَبسُها

3. She went out like the full moon on a night
Whose darkness disappeared

٣. قَد دَنا الصُبحُ أَو بَدا
وَهيَ لَم يُقضَ لُبسُها

4. Among five maidens
The most generous of all in her kind

٤. خَرَجَت كَالمَهاةِ في
لَيلَةٍ غابَ نَحسُها

٥. بَينَ خَمسٍ كَواعِبٍ
أَكرَمُ الجِنسِ جِنسُها