
How excellent is my journey, though they say

ألا حبذا سفري وإن قيل إنني

1. How excellent is my journey, though they say
That I have been corrupted by Christianity, drinking wine -

١. أَلا حَبَّذا سَفري وَإِن قيلَ إِنَّني
كَلَفتُ بِنَصرانِيَّةٍ تَشرَبُ الخَمرا

2. It is easy for us to remain in the shade all day
Until night, with no noon or afternoon prayer

٢. يَهونُ عَلَينا أَن نَظَلَّ نَهارَنا
إِلى اللَيلِ لا ظُهراً نُصَلّي وَلا عَصرا