
They told me Salma went out

خبروني أن سلمى

1. They told me Salma went out
On the day of congregational prayer

١. خَبَّروني أَنَّ سَلمى
خَرَجَت يَومَ المُصَلّى

2. There was a beautiful bird
Fluttering above the bushes

٢. فَإِذا طَيرٌ مَليحٌ
فَوقَ غُضنٍ يَتَفَلّى

3. I said, “who knows Salma?”
It said “Ah!” and then flew up high

٣. قُلتُ مَن يَعرِفُ سَلمى
قالَ ها ثُمَّ تَعَلّى

4. I said “O bird, come closer to me”
It said “Ah!” and then swooped down

٤. قُلتُ يا طَيرُ ادنُ مِنّي
قالَ ها ثُمَّ تَدَلّى

5. I said “did you see Salma?”
It said “No!” and then flew away

٥. قُلتُ هَل أَبصَرتَ سَلمى
قالَ لا ثُمَّ تَوَلّى

6. It left in my heart a hidden word
Then arose and flew up high

٦. فَنَكا في القَلبِ كَلماً
باطِناً ثُمَّ تَعَلّى