
Oh my friend, if only God would return Salma

ألا ليت الإله يحين سلمى

1. Oh my friend, if only God would return Salma
For truly, God does whatever He wills

١. أَلا لَيتَ الإِلهَ يُحينُ سَلمى
فَإِنَّ اللَهَ يَفعَلُ ما يَشاءُ

2. He would bring her out and lay her on the ground
And let her rest, her clothes fallen away

٢. فَيُخرِجُها فَيَطرَحُها بِأَرضٍ
وَيُرقِدُها وَقَد سَقَطَ الرِداءُ

3. And He would bring me and lay me down upon her
I would wake her though fate had run its course

٣. وَيَأتي بي فَيَطرَحُني عَلَيها
فَأوقِظُها وَقَد قُضِيَ القَضاءُ

4. He would send a gentle rain to wash over us
Cleansing us so no sorrow would remain

٤. وَيُرسِلُ دَيمَةً سَحّاً عَلَينا
فَيَغسِلُنا فَلا يَبقى العَناءُ