
Did you not see that while I was at peace

ألم تر أني بينما أنا آمن

1. Did you not see that while I was at peace
The Sindhi betrayed me, going to a barren desert?

١. أَلم تَرَ أَنّي بَينَما أَنا آمِنٌ
يَخُبُّ بِيَ السِندِيُّ قَفراً فَيافِيا

2. I looked out from a cave and saw a knight
So I was afraid he might see me

٢. تَطَلَّعتُ مِن غَورٍ فَأَبصَرتُ فارِساً
فَأَوجَستُ مِنهُ خيفةً أَن يَرانِيا

3. And when it was clear he was but a knight
I stood still for him until he threw at me

٣. وَلَمّا بَدا لي أَنَّما هُوَ فارِسٌ
وَقَفتُ لَهُ حَتّى أَتى فَرَمانِيا

4. He threw at me three times, then I threw at him
I showed him my firmness and my spears

٤. رَماني ثَلاثاً ثُمَّ إِنّي رَمَيتُهُ
فَرَوَّيتُ مِنهُ صَعدَتي وَسِنانِيا