
Many a house is like the shaft of an arrow

رب بيت كأنه متن سهم

1. Many a house is like the shaft of an arrow
We shall come to it from the villages of Beirut

١. رُبَّ بَيتٍ كَأَنَّهُ مَتنُ سَهمٍ
سَوفَ نَأتيهِ مِن قُرى بَيروتِ

2. From lands that are not our lands
Whenever I came towards it I was greeted

٢. مِن بِلادٍ لَيسَت لَنا بِبِلادٍ
كُلَّما جِئتُ نَحوَها حُيّيتِ

3. O mother of Salaam, you have not ceased being well
Then you have not ceased being my paradise as long as I lived

٣. أُمَّ سَلّامِ لا بَرِحتِ بِخَيرٍ
ثُمَّ لا زِلتِ جَنَّتي ما حَييتِ

4. Yearning and longing and craving towards you
Remembering you and the goodness of the night's rest

٤. طَرَباً نَحوَكُم وَشَوقاً وَتوقاً
لادِّكاريكُمُ وَطيبِ المَبيتِ

5. Wherever I was from lands and you traveled
May God protect you from what you feared

٥. حَيثُما كُنتُ مِن بِلادٍ وَسِرتُم
فَوقاكِ الإِلهُ ما قَد خَشيتِ