1. Entwine me with the vines' tendrils,
And let me drink from the chalice of the wise mother.
١. عَلِّلاني بِعاتِقاتِ الكُرومِ
وَاِسقِياني بِكَأسِ أُمِّ حَكيمِ
2. For she drinks the wine undiluted
In a great glass vessel.
٢. إِنَّها تَشرَبُ المُدامَةَ صِرفاً
في إِناءٍ مِنَ الزُجاجِ عَظيمِ
3. Spare me the harm of any scoundrel,
For I know not the evil of a boon companion.
٣. جَنِّبوني أَذاةَ كُلِّ لَئيمِ
إِنَّهُ ما عَلِمتُ شَرُّ نَديمِ
4. But if among the revelers there is a noble one,
Let him taste some of the bliss.
٤. ثُمَّ إِن كانَ في النَدامى كَريمٌ
فَأَذيقوهُ مَسَّ بَعضِ النَعيمِ
5. Would that my share of women were perfect,
For my Salma is my heaven and delight.
٥. لَيتَ حَظّي مِنَ النِساءِ سُلَيمى
إِنَّ سَلمايَ جَنَّتي وَنَعيمي
6. So cease blaming me for her,
For he who blames me is not wise.
٦. فَدَعوني مِنَ المَلامَةِ فيها
إِنَّ مَن لامَني لَغَيرُ حَليمِ