
The night of Leila was long, so I passed it drinking wine,

طال ليلى فبت أسقى المداما

1. The night of Leila was long, so I passed it drinking wine,
When the postman came to tell me of Hisham's death.

١. طالَ لَيلى فَبِتُ أُسقى المُداما
إِذ أَتاني البَريدُ يَنعى هِشاما

2. He brought me Hisham's robe, staff,
And ring, then left.

٢. وَأَتاني بِحُلَّةٍ وَقَضيبٍ
وَأِتاني بِخاتَمِ ثُمَّ قاما

3. After this loss, I now see my friend
As the best of people, whether new or old,

٣. فَجَعَلتُ الوُلِيَّ مِن بَعدِ فَقدي
أَفضَلَ الناسِ ناشِئاً وَغُلاما

4. That was my son, the Quraishi nobleman,
The finest descendant, and their finest ancestor.

٤. ذاكُمُ اِبني وَذاكَ قَرمُ قُرَيشٍ
خَيرُ خَلفٍ وَخَيرُهُم قُدّاما