
Is there any way for us to be united, Sa'dah?

أسعدة هل إليك لنا سبيل

1. Is there any way for us to be united, Sa'dah?
Or must we stay apart until the Day of Judgement comes?

١. أَسَعدَةُ هَل إِلَيكِ لَنا سَبيلٌ
وَهَل حَتّى القِيامَةِ مِن تَلاقي

2. Yes, perhaps fate may someday bring us together again
Through your husband's death or your divorce from him.

٢. بَلى وَلَعَلَّ دَهراً أَنٌ يُؤاتي
بِمَوتٍ مِن حَليلِكِ أَو طَلاقِ

3. Then I will rejoice as my eyes feast on the sight,
And we will be reunited after our separation.

٣. فَأُصبِحَ شامِتاً وَتَقَرَّ عَيني
وَيُجمَعُ شَملُنا بَعدَ اِفتِراقِ

4. But you divorced her, so you are not her equal any more,
Even if you offered all of India as her dowry.

٤. فَطَلَّقها فَلَستَ لَها بِكُفءٍ
وَلَو أَعطَيتَ هِنداً في الصَداقِ