
I am the son of Abu al-'Assi, and 'Uthman is my father,

أنا ابن أبي العاصي وعثمان والدي

1. I am the son of Abu al-'Assi, and 'Uthman is my father,
And Marwan my grandfather, man of action and great leader,

١. أَنا اِبنُ أَبي العاصي وَعُثمانُ وَالدي
وَمَروانُ جَدّي ذو الفَعالِ وَعامِرُ

2. I am the son of the protector of the two illustrious tribes,
Thaqif and Fihri, and of the great and noble men,

٢. أَنا اِبنُ عَظيمِ القَريَتَينِ وَعِزِّها
ثَقيفٌ وَفِهرٌ وَالرِجالُ الأَكابِرُ

3. The Prophet of guidance is my uncle, and he whose uncle
Is the Prophet of guidance has the highest claim to glory.

٣. نَبِيُّ الهُدى خالي وَمَن يَكُ خالُهُ
نَبِيَّ الهُدى يَعلُ الوَرى في المَفاخِرِ