1. Your heart, O Walid, has become a pillar,
An ancient passion for singing eulogies.
١. أَضحى فُؤادُكَ يا وَليدُ عَميدا
صَبّاً قَديماً لِلحِسانِ صَيودا
2. For the girl with the clear features, a child
Who came out to us towards the church for Eid.
٢. مِن حُبِّ واضِحَةِ العَوارِضِ طَفلَةٍ
بَرَزَت لَنا نَحوَ الكَنيسَةِ عيدا
3. I kept staring at her with my loving eyes
Until I saw her kiss a pole.
٣. ما زِلتُ أَرمُقُها بِعَينَي وامِقٍ
حَتّى بَصُرتُ بِها تُقَبِّلُ عودا
4. So I asked my Lord that I take his place
And in hellfire be burning wood.
٤. فَسَأَلتُ رَبّي أَن أَكونَ مَكانَهُ
وَأَكونَ في لَهَبِ الجَحيمِ وَقودا