
Give me to drink, O Yazid, from the gurgling jug

إسقنا يا يزيد بالقرقاره

1. Give me to drink, O Yazid, from the gurgling jug
For we are enraptured and the lute is moaning

١. إِسقِنا يا يَزيدُ بِالقَرقارَه
قَد طَرِبنا وَحَنَّتِ الزَمارَه

2. With a drink that is like the blood of an unweaned lamb
Aged by the dregs of the wine-merchant's flagon

٢. مِن شَرابٍ كَأَنَّهُ دَمُ خَشفٍ
عَتَّقَتهُ هَشيمَةُ الخَمّارَه

3. Give me to drink, give me to drink, for my sins
Have encircled me, with no atonement

٣. إِسقِني إِسقِني فَإِنَّ ذُنوبي
قَد أَحاطَت فَما لَها كَفّارَه