
For every man there is a portion, and for each portion a bringer,

لكل امريء رزق وللرزق جالب

1. For every man there is a portion, and for each portion a bringer,
And no man misses what his writer has inscribed for him.

١. لكُلِّ امريءٍ رِزقٌ ولِلرّزقِ جالِبُ
وَليسَ يَفوتُ المَرءُ ما خطَّ كاتِبُه

2. He whose share it is, is led to it though he be far removed,
And he is debarred this share who strives to obtain it.

٢. يُساق إِلى ذا رِزقُهُ وَهوَ وادِعٌ
ويُحرَمُ هَذا الرِزقَ وَهوَ يُطالِبُهُ

3. The youth says "I have hoarded my wealth" when in truth
It is for his heir that the gatherer of wealth has gathered it.

٣. يَقولُ الفَتى ثمَّرتُ مالي وإِنَّما
لِوارثِهِ ما ثَمّر المال كاسِبُهُ

4. He reckons himself for his life,
And leaves it as prey for one who will not reckon with him.

٤. يُحاسِبُ فيهِ نَفسه بِحياتهِ
وَيَتركهُ نهباً لِمَن لا يُحاسِبُهُ

5. The youth is disappointed in the place where another is given his share,
And the youth is given in the place where his companion is refused.

٥. يَخيبُ الفَتى مِن حَيثُ يُرزَقُ غَيرهُ
ويُعطى الفَتى مِن حَيتُ يُحرم صاحِبُه