
Is there a response for the questioner,

هل بالطلول لسائل رد

1. Is there a response for the questioner,
Or does it have a promise to speak?

١. هَل بالطُلولِ لِسائلٍ رَدُّ
أَو هَل لَها بِتَكَلُّمٍ عَهدُ

2. It studied the new, its new school,
As if it is a smooth rock slab.

٢. دَرَس الجَديد جَديدَ مَعهَدها
فَكأنَّما هيَ رَيطةٌ جَردُ

3. From the long crying of the clouds over
Its terraces, and the rumbling of thunder,

٣. مِن طُولِ ما يَبكي الغَمام عَلى
عَرَصاتِها وَيُقَهقِه الرَعدُ

4. And the north and south winds blow,
And misfortune turns around after happiness.

٤. وَتُلِثُّ سارية وَغادِيَةٌ
وَيكُرُّ نَحسٌ خَلفَهُ سَعدُ

5. It receives a northern shower and a southern downpour,
Both have stained its soil.

٥. تلقي شآمية يَمانية
لَهما بمورِ تُرابِها سَردُ

6. Its insides have covered its exterior,
With a light as if its brilliance is ice.

٦. فَكَسَت بواطِنُها ظَواهِرُها
نَوراً كأَنَّ زُهاءَهُ بُردُ

7. The folds come and go in the morning,
It is feeble in its limbs, unsteady in its nodes.

٧. يَغدو فَيسدي نَسجه حَدبٌ
واهي العُرى وَوئيده عَقدُ

8. So I stood and asked it, but there is not in it
Except cooing, and muffled groans.

٨. فَوقَفتُ أَسأَلُها وَليسَ بِها
إِلا المَها وَنقانِقٌ رُبدُ

9. So tears of sorrows poured over
My cheeks, like scattering pearls,

٩. فَتَبادَرَت دَرَرُ الشُؤون عَلى
خَدّي كَما يَتَناثَرُ العِقدُ

10. Or like the sprinkling of lonely rain, and already
The rain clouds have gone fast with its water.

١٠. أَو نَضح عَزلاء العَسيب وَقَد
راحَ العَسيفُ بِمائِها يَعدو

11. Suppressed in suffering, it waited
Until its misfortune ignites the rose.

١١. وَمُكدَّم في عانَةٍ خَفَرَت
حَتى يُهيّج شأَوها الوَردُ

12. My craving for rain, and it was not created
Except for the prolonging of my misery.

١٢. لَهفي عَلى دَعد وَما خُلِقَت
إِلا لِطولِ بَليّتي دَعدُ

13. The white land has worn mourning dresses,
Beauty has worn it as its skin.

١٣. بَيضاءُ قَد لَبِسَ الأديمُ بها
ءُ الحُسن فَهوَ لِجِلدِها جِلدُ

14. And braids its ponytails if it uncovers,
Tangled curly hair like burnt ashes.

١٤. وَيَزينُ فودَيها إِذا حَسَرت
ضافي الغَدائر فاحِمٌ جَعدُ

15. The face is like the dawn, shining,
And the hair is like the night, dark.

١٥. فالوَجهُ مِثل الصُبح مُنبلِجٌ
والشَعر مِثلَ الليلِ مُسوَّدُ

16. They are opposites when they combine beauty,
And opposite reveals the beauty of its opposite.

١٦. ضِدّان لَما استَجمعا حَسُنا
والضدّ يُظهِرُ حُسنَهُ الضِدُّ

17. Its forehead is smooth and its eyebrows
Are the twig of musk, more slender when extended.

١٧. وَجَبينُها صَلتٌ وحاجِبُها
شَختُ المخَطّ أَزَجُّ مُمتَدّ

18. It is as if it is, when it looks,
Drowsy or dozing off to sleep again.

١٨. وَكأَنَّها وَسنَى إِذا نظَرَت
أَو مدنَفٌ لما يُفِق بَعدُ

19. With the languor of an eye without bleariness in it,
And with it bleary eyes are cured.

١٩. بِفتورِ عَين ما بِها رَمَدٌ
وَبِها تُداوَى الأَعين الرُّمدُ

20. It shows you lively freshness adorned
With scent and a cheek whose color is rose.

٢٠. وَتُريكَ عَرنيناً يُزيّنه
شَمَمٌ وَخداً لَونُهُ الوَردُ

21. And the rubbing of the toothbrush makes
A line like syrup the sweetest spread.

٢١. وَتجيلُ مِسواك الأراك عَلى
رَتلٍ كأنَّ رُضابه الشُّهدُ

22. And its plump cheek is the cheek of one who recompenses
When the cold demands its due from it.

٢٢. والجيدُ مِنها جيدُ جازئَةٌ
تَعطو إِذا ما طَلَّها البَردُ

23. And from its limbs extends a branch
So it bends, followed by supple pearls.

٢٣. وامتدَّ مِن أعضادِها قَصَبٌ
فَعمٌ تَلته مَرافِقٌ دُردُ

24. And the two wrists, no favor or delicacy are seen in them,
Save that which is of the highest quality.

٢٤. والمِعصمان فَما يُرى لَهُما
مِن نَعمة وَبَضاضَةٍ زَندُ

25. And it has fingers, if you wanted
To clasp them in your fist, it would be possible to grip.

٢٥. وَلَها بَنانٌ لَو أَردتَ لَهُ
عَقداً بِكفّك أَمكن العَقدُ

26. It is as if its necklaces were watered
And the throat is the water of beauty when it appears.

٢٦. وَكأنَّما سُقيَت تَرائِبُها
والنَحرُ ماء الحسن إِذ تَبدو

27. And in its chest are two moles that I compared them
To camphor over which dew flows.

٢٧. وَبِصَدرِها حُقّان خِلتُهما
كافورتينِ عَلاهُما نَدُّ

28. While the belly is folded as white fabric is folded,
Guarded by the gathered hem.

٢٨. والبَطنُ مَطويٌّ كَما طوِيَت
بيضُ الرِباط يَصونُها الملدُ

And at its waist is a crease adorned

٢٩. وَبِخَصرِها هَيَفٌ يُزيّنهُ
فإِذا تَنوءُ يَكادُ يَنقدُّ

30. By a depressed line when it bends.
It has supple thighs, its narrowness

٣٠. وَلهاهَنٌ رابٍ مَجَسَّتُهُ
ضيقُ المَسالك حَرَّهُ وَقدُ

31. Distressed it, while its width gave comfort.
It is as if from its wideness a goblet

٣١. فَكأَنَّهُ مِن كِبَرِهِ قَدَحٌ
أَكلَ العيالُ وَكبَّهُ العَبدُ

32. Which the family has eaten and the servant filled.
So if you stab, you stab into smoothness,

٣٢. فإِذا طَعَنتَ طعَنتَ في لبَدِ
وإِذا سَلَلتَ يَكادُ يَنسَدُّ

33. And if you slip in, it almost closes up.
And it has a rear that is settled, its narrowness

٣٣. والتَفَّ فَخذاها وَفَوقهما
كَفَلٌ يُجاذِبُ خَصرِها نَهدُ

34. Distressed it and its width gave comfort.
So standing is bent when it rises

٣٤. فَقيامُها مَثنى إِذا نَهَضَت
مِن ثِقلِهِ وَقُعودُها فَردُ

35. From its heaviness, and sitting is separate.
And the leg is fleshy, soft,

٣٥. والسَاقُ خُرعُبةٌ مُنَعمَّة
عَبِلَت فَطَوقُ الحِجل مُنسَدُّ

36. Wrapped so the anklet is fastened.
And the heel is soft, no

٣٦. والكَعبُ أَدرَمُ لا يَبينُ لَهُ
حَجمٌ وَليسَ لِرأسِهِ حَدُّ

37. Size can be seen for it, nor does its end have a limit.
And it walked on two feet that are delicate

٣٧. وَمَشَت عَلى قَدَمَينِ خُصّرتا
وأُلينَتا فَتَكامَلَ القَدُّ

38. And soft, so the stride is complete.
It has no tallness or shortness in its creation,

٣٨. ما شانَها طولٌ وَلا قِصَرٌ
في خَلقِها فَقَوامُها قَصدُ

39. Its stature is just right.
If there is no union for you with us

٣٩. إِن لَم يَكُن وَصلٌ لَديكِ لَنا
يَشفي الصَبابةَ فَليَكُن وَعدُ

40. That would cure the misery, then let there be a promise.
Your bond was once more verdant,

٤٠. قَد كانَ أَورَق وَصلكُم زَمَناً
فَذَوى الوِصالُ وأَورَقَ الصَدُّ

41. Then loyalty withered and estrangement grew.
My God, when an abode parts with us

٤١. لِلَّهِ أَشواقي إِذا نَزَحَت
دارٌ بِنا وَنأى بِكُم بُعد

42. And remoteness comes between you and I.
If you accuse me, I hail from Tihama,

٤٢. إن تُتهِمي فَتَهامَةٌ وَطَني
أَو تُنجِدي إِنَّ الهَوى نَجدُ

43. Or if you help, passion is our pillar.
And you claimed you secretly harbor

٤٣. وَزَعمتِ أَنَّكَ تَضمرينَ لَنا
ودّاً فَهلاّ يَنفَعُ الودُّ

44. Affection for us, so why doesn't the affection benefit?
And when the lover complains of estrangement, and is not

٤٤. وإِذا المُحبّ شَكا الصُدود وَلَم
يُعطَف عَليهِ فَقَتَلَهُ عَمدُ

45. Shown kindness, it kills him intentionally.
She snubs him with affection while she

٤٥. تَختَصّها بالود وَهيَ عَلى
ما لا تُحِبُّ فَهَكَذا الوَجدُ

46. Does not love what she does, such is passion.
Or don't you see a flirtatious one between them,

٤٦. أَو ما تَرى طِمريَّ بَينَهُما
رَجُلٌ أَلحَّ بِهَزلِهِ الجِدُّ

47. A man who persisted jokingly with seriousness.
The sword cuts while rusty,

٤٧. فالسَيفُ يَقطَعُ وَهوَ ذو صَدأ
والنَّصلُ يَعلوا الهامَ لا الغِمدُ

48. And the blade rises high, not the scabbard.
Does the sword's ornament benefit it

٤٨. هَل يَنفعنَّ السَيفَ حِليَتَهُ
يَومَ الجلاد إِذا نَبا الحَدُّ

49. The day of beheading when slaughter is sought?
And you knew well that I am a man

٤٩. وَلَقَد عَلِمتِ بأَنَّني رَجُلٌ
في الصَالِحاتِ أَروُحُ أَو أَغدو

50. Who is righteous, staying or departing in good deeds.
I am safe from the lowest and tolerant

٥٠. سلم عَلى الأَدنى وَمَرحَمةٌ
وَعَلى الحوادِثِ هاديءٌ جَلدُ

51. Of events, calm, patient.
Cloaked in the garb of chastity though

٥١. مُتَجلبِبٌ ثَوبَ العَفاف وَقَد
غَفَلَ الرَقيب وأَمكَنَ الوِردُ

52. The watcher was neglectful and union was possible.
And avoiding the doing of ugly deeds though

٥٢. وَمُجانِبٌ فِعلَ القَبيح وَقَد
وَصَلَ الحَبيبُ وَساعَدَ السَعدُ

53. The beloved drew near and time favored.
Ambitions are prevented from blemishing me,

٥٣. مَنَع المطامِعَ أَن تُثلّمني
إِنّي لِمعوَلِها صَفاً صَلهُ

54. I am for their expectations as sturdy as a cliff.
So I live freely from their humiliation,

٥٤. فأَروحُ حرّاً مِن مَذلّتِها
والحرُّ حينَ يُطيعُها عَبدُ

55. And the free man is a slave when obeying them.
I refuse to praise a committer of sins,

٥٥. آلَيتُ أَمدح مُقرِفاً أَبَداً
يَبقى المَديحُ وَيَذهَبُ الرَفدُ

56. Praise remains and reward passes away.
Alas! That refusal is incumbent on me, I have

٥٦. هَيهاتَ يأَبى ذاكَ لي سَلَفٌ
خَمَدوا وَلَم يَخمد لَهُم مَجدُ

57. Ancestors who passed away but their glory did not fade.
And my ancestors are my pillar, while my sons

٥٧. والجَدُّ كِندَةُ والبَنونُ هُمُ
فَزَكا البَنونُ وأَنجَبَ الجَدُّ

58. Are the blossoms. So the ancestors were fruitful and the sons thrived.
So if I fall short of reciprocating their good deeds

٥٨. فَلِئَن قَفَوت جَميلَ فِعلهمُ
بِذَميم فِعلي إِنَّني وَغدُ

59. With my inferior deeds, I will indeed regret.
I am most bountiful when you seek

٥٩. أَجمِل إِذا حاولتَ في طَلَب
فالجِدُّ يَغني عنكَ لا الجَدُّ

60. Virtue, not ancestors.
Let there be for the questioner from you relief,

٦٠. ليَكُن لَديك لِسائلٍ فَرَجٌ
إِن لَم يَكُن فَليَحسُنِ الرَدُّ

61. If not, then excellent is refraining.
And a companion for a night whose misfortune

٦١. وَطَريد لَيلٍ ساقَهُ سَغَبٌ
وَهناً إِليَّ وَقادَهُ بَردُ

62. Weariness drove, and weakness led to me.
I made effort with cheerful hospitality and homes,

٦٢. أَوسَعَت جُهد بَشاشَةٍ وقِرى
وَعَلى الكَريم لِضيفِهِ الجُهدُ

63. And upon the generous is the effort for his guest.
So the guest came, and his lodging is

٦٣. فَتصرَّم المَشتى وَمَنزلُهُ
رَحبٌ لَديَّ وَعَيشهُ رَغدُ

64. Spacious for me, and his life prosperous.
Then he had his meal, and his nice garment,

٦٤. ثُمَ اغتَدى ورِداؤُهُ نِعَمٌ
أسأرتُها ورِدائي الحَمدُ

65. I clothed it, and my garment is thanks.
Oh how I wish I knew after that

٦٥. يا ليتَ شِعري بَعدَ ذَلِكُم
وَمَصيرُ كلِّ مُؤَمّلٍ لَحدُ

66. The destiny of every hopeful, for all have an end.
Will I be forgotten words or forgotten remains

٦٦. أَصريعُ كَلم أم صريعُ ضنىً
أَودى فَليسَ مِن الرَدى بُدُّ